(it looks like Laurie beat me to the "submit" button. Well if that is not enough info, here is more!!!)
Correct. There is no gasket between the cases. Only a sealant is used. Like oil, everyone has their favorite. Some use silicone as it is easier to clean up than some brands of case sealant. Personally, I use Yamabond. The common warning is use it sparingly. Any excess that you see on the outside will be matched with excess on the inside...
There are only a couple of "specialty" tools that one needs to repair these motors. Go to the Strictly Hodaka home page and select "Tools, Oils & Lubes" in the left hand column and you will find each of these 3 items.
1. Flywheel puller.
2. Clutch/Flywheel holding tool
3. Control Shaft Snap Ring installation tool
Use a good quality penetrating oil to help with removal of all nuts and bolts. Also, all nuts are right handed with the exception of the clutch nut. The only other left handed thread that I know of is the inside hole of the flywheel (where the puller threads in).
For the countershaft sprocket removal, it is easiest to loosen it while you still have the motor in the frame and have the chain still installed. Straighten the locking washer tab and then you can sit on the bike and firmly apply the rear brake and use a 1/2" drive, 26mm socket to loosen the nut. Since you already have the motor pulled you might be able to use a strap wrench to hold the sprocket if it is not too tight???
For the flywheel, you will need the puller and holding tool.
Your shop manual will show a picture of a wooden jig that you can build to bolt your motor to and then place the wood in a shop vise. I highly recommend building one. There is another wooden jig that is a must and is also very easy to build. It allows you to lay the motor on the right side with the shafts protruding down into holes in the jig and holds everything in place while you split the cases and then again during assembly. There is a picture of one in the following post (about 3/4 down the article):
viewtopic.php?f=1&t=284&p=770&hilit=how ... +case#p770
Another tip: There is a tab on the Strictly Hodaka web page for technical tips. One article is on making a tool that helps break the cases open. Here is a link:
http://www.strictlyhodaka.com/v/vspfile ... ticle5.JPG. I would also recommend spending time looking over some of the archived articles here on this site. There is some great info there.
Good luck. Hope this helps. Oh and by the way, I am fairly new at this too and none of these tips are my original ideas. There are some real pros here in Hodakaland and they are great to share their knowledge and experience. I hope that some will chime in to correct or add to my points above. And... once you are hooked on Hodaka's, you will want to look into joining the Hodaka Club. One of the perks is that you will receive a quarterly newsletter (The Resonator Revisited). It will have great technical tips and you will also have access to all past newletters.