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Need direction

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2021 12:40 pm
by Chasewatsonaz
73 combat wombat
Starts and idles fine shifts great but when you release the clutch and try to go it engages but doesn’t wanna go anywhere fast and high revs. Looking for direction on where to start to figure this out been through the manual couldn’t find any info or didn’t understand

Re: Need direction

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2021 3:06 pm
by matt glascock
Sounds like your clutch is slipping. Start with the clutch free play and work back. If you have the standard owner manual, that will explain how to adjust free play. What you really need to sort it out is the Official Hodaka Wombat/Combat Wombat Workshop Manual. If you don't have experience with these bikes, the official manual is priceless.

Re: Need direction

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2021 4:10 pm
by thrownchain
Clutch slipping or wore out, used the wrong oil?

Re: Need direction

Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2021 5:02 pm
by Bullfrog
As the clutch wears, the freeplay Matt mentioned gets reduced - so that is the first thing to check. Disconnect the clutch cable, then check the freeplay at the end of the clutch lever down on the engine. There should be a bit of freeplay at the end of the lever -- 3/32" is the target. I expect that you may find no freeplay - which means you'll need the workshop manual Matt mentioned.

Re: Need direction

Posted: Wed Sep 15, 2021 10:50 am
by viclioce
First question. What oil is in the tranny? Is it oil designed for wet clutches in motorcycles? Using oils for automobiles can cause slippage, especially of the label in the bottle is marked “Friction Modifiers!” The main ingredient there which will screw up your clutch plates is Teflon!

Second thing. The “Free Play” being talked about above is the movement of the lever on the front of the clutch cover. To adjust more free play you remove more spacers behind the clutch disc. To decrease the free play add more spacers behind the clutch disc. The clutch disc is #43 in the picture below. #44 are the spacers. Usually there are more with a new clutch, & you remove some as the clutch plates wear down. It’s a trial and error thing with the number & thickness of the disc spacers. :ugeek: Victor

Re: Need direction

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2021 11:17 am
by Chasewatsonaz
Okay so my grandfather did a complete restoration on this bike in 2010 it was put away into storage after that never started again until he passed earlier this year and I got it so I have no idea what oil is in it I have all receipts showing he put a brand new clutch in it along with a bunch of other parts. I appreciate all of your input and have started studying the service manual so I can get this bike riding again