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99 clutch in an 03 engine

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2020 7:13 am
by tboone
I am building an 03 engine and the only clutch I have available is for a model 99. I'm assuming that the cage for the 03 is deeper and the screws longer to accommodate more clutch plates in the 03 with 4 fiber and 5 steel than the 99 with 3 fiber and 2 steel plates.
If I can't source a correct cage do you think that by adding inner clutch springs, and an additional steel plate would work with the stock 99 clutch setup?

Re: 99 clutch in an 03 engine

Posted: Tue May 12, 2020 9:59 am
by tboone
I have since found two other cages than the 99 cage, In the photo ion the left is a cage for models 98,95,97 which is deep enough for the 5 fiber and 4 steel plates. On the right is a model 03 cage which has room for 4 fiber and 5 steel plates and the middle is a 99 cage which takes 3 fiber and 2 steel plates.
Up until now, I had no idea that there different options...……..always learning something new.