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Squirt (96) engine rebuilding

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 9:03 pm
by Zeek
About to start on my engine rebuild and have some questions which I'll ask on this thread. :D
This is what i have to work with :roll:
So I'm expecting to have to split the cases and see what happening in there.
I've had the barrel cleaned and the bore measures 50.32mm..It's in good shape and also has this stamping...which is?

So what clearance is required between piston and the bore?

Re: Squirt (96) engine rebuilding

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 12:24 am
by Zeek
So it seems the Ace 100 uses same piston? Those that I've looked at have two rings, whereas the old old one from mine has one...Is that any issue?

Re: Squirt (96) engine rebuilding

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:43 am
by Bullfrog
The DPO (Dreaded Previous Owner) installed a single ring piston to suit his purposes. The toaster tank Squirt came with the 2-ring piston.