Gregg, Dale, Bob, Erv, Jim and trail boss Nate taking a break from cleaning up the Bad Rock Trail on Monday morning following Hodaka Days.

The clean up crew takes a break looking out across the Umatilla River canyon in "Bad Rock" country. The original Bad Rock Two Day ISDT Qualifier trail came up out of the bottom of the Umatilla canyon over the grassy knob which is at center in the photo. The trail crested "Ryan's Grade" about 100 yards to the right of the photo location.
The Bad Rock clean up went well and quickly (too quickly?) with that crew. My wife's mighty Dirt Squirt completed its third trip over the Bad Rock course in the last 5 days . . . what a scooter! Dirt Squirts Rule!
A few other things were checked out before we could call it "done". Walk the park to make sure nothing was left . . . walk the race track to pick up "spare parts" and make sure all the steel posts were pulled AND picked up (don't the mower to hit those!) Do a bit of "gardening" on the track (Knock the tops of the brake-whoopdies and rake the dirt from the tops into the whoopdie holes) Do a second "double check" on the trials area to assure that it was left better than we found it.
Gregg and Bob are on the road home. Erv will head home tomorrow. Hodaka Days work in Athena for 2015 is done. (whew)
PS: It has cooled off to 101 today!
PPS: Did I mention that Dirt Squirts Rule?