I have access to a number of photos but without a real bike to scale from and (sadly) no Harry Taylor to consult with, some questions are bound to arise. As they already are. Here's a mystery that I'm currently looking for some help with. If you look at the composite pic below you will clearly see that the top triple clamp on the race bike is not the Hodaka Ace OEM piece.

Just compare the square center hole, the handlebar mounting clamp holes, the shape at the upper fork mountings, etc and you will get the picture. To expand the scope of the mystery even further, have a look at this pic. While the fork lowers appear to be Hodaka OEM, the seal holders (chrome pieces at top of fork tube outer/bott om of spring) are unlike any Hodaka OEM piece.

Is it possible that the entire front end/triple tree/fork assembly was grafted on to this bike from some other (not necessarily Hodaka) application?
This is the question I'm currently looking for some help with. Any thoughts, insights, or even more pics of Harry's bike would be greatly appreciated.
Jack Broomall