He has a Model 94 that ran OK for a while and then stopped running well.
Slow but consistent investigation led to discovering that he had a 93B Super Rat 24mm carb and not a Wombat carb on this 94.
Changing the jets wasn’t producing the desired effect. I kept going back to Terry’s website and confirming what a Wombat 94 carb was SUPPOSED to have in it.
Turns out the slide was a 2.0 instead of a 2.5, so it was adding too much air making bike run lean & idle way too high!
Changed the main jet to the stock 160, pilot to 25, slide to a 2.5 and left the needle to match the main jet. And Voila! Now she runs correctly again.
Similar situation as I had with my Wombat with a Rat carb. Got the main down to a 140 and it dropped right in like nothing was wrong any more.
The only thing I can’t figure out? Why does the motor initially run OK, but then performance drops off until it won’t run any more. Seems like it should have run poorly from the beginning with the carb not being correctly configured. Any guess why this situation occurs? And I’m asking about performance and not “because the DPO did it.”