Cleaned the shop, where'd those parts go...crap.

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Phil Finocchiaro
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Cleaned the shop, where'd those parts go...crap.

Post by Phil Finocchiaro »

Just before I went away for a week, I decided to clean the shop. Figured it would be cool to come home to a clean organized shop. After a week of sun, surf and about 200 or so frozen drinks I returned to the sucky Northeast. First day in the shop I decided to tackle the carb and throttle cable that has plagued me for a while. Got the heater all fired up, pot of coffee, and lit a cigar. While waiting for some warmth I started to lay out the parts. The throttle cable was still hooked to the throttle. Now. Where are the carb parts? I glanced to the big bench, no rolled up paper towel containing all those small carb internals. Hmmm, I'm almost sure... I turned to the small portable shelf...nothing.
I put the cigar down, it was getting serious. I could feel my blood pressure meds starting to fail. Trying to remain calm, I ripped the place apart. I even checked the trash can. Already empty.
Have you ever tossed something by mistake?

" no good deed goes unpunished"
taber hodaka
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Re: Cleaned the shop, where'd those parts go...crap.

Post by taber hodaka »

I had some tools disappear about six years ago but found them in a box under a cloth sitting by the shop door. I hope you find yours in less time. ------------Clarence
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Re: Cleaned the shop, where'd those parts go...crap.

Post by relic »

Currently searching for the one and only Ace air filter clip I had. Carried it to work in a small baggy to see if we had anything similar. I KNOW I brought it back home in my lunch bag a couple of weeks back. AWOL since then.
I was missing one, now I'm missing two. So now I have none. Or maybe I still have one somewhere.
I blame it on age.
Good luck with your carb bits.
I wonder where this goes...?
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Re: Cleaned the shop, where'd those parts go...crap.

Post by mac »

I am glad to read that I,m not the only one.I blame it on my aging memory,sometimes poor organizational skills and yes,once to cleaning my shop.
I searched high and low the other night for my Ace 100 air cleaner assembly with no luck and just like Phil a bit of panic started to set in so I locked up the shop and went in for the night.
Started looking today and found it in about five minutes in a place that I had already looked.Now that I blame on gremlins!
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Re: Cleaned the shop, where'd those parts go...crap.

Post by hodakamax »

It gets worse. As I get older there seems to be some insane devious plot to hide things from old people. Things that were there seconds ago mysteriously roll away or end up in your cuff. Gremlins sound reasonable. I fight the battle with parts containers and giant magnets. How do they escape?

In sympathy,

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Re: Cleaned the shop, where'd those parts go...crap.

Post by viclioce »

I'm bad enough about putting things where I can't remember! Cleaning can do me in as well, so I usually only do it when I'm done with a project like finished a motor or finished an entire bike.

The small pieces, I put in ziplock bags and I write what's going in them with a Sharpie before I put the parts in the bags. Then I have a few places I put these bags so I can readily see them.

The thing that kills me the most is while I'm working, "where did I put that wrench," or, "where did I put that tube of Yamabond," or....well, you know. That's the kind of thing that just drives me nuts! A combo wrench that you search all over the workbench & lift for, to only find 15 minutes later that you stuck it in the one pocket you didn't check! Ahhh, ain't getting older fun???!!?!?!?! ; D Victor

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Re: Cleaned the shop, where'd those parts go...crap.

Post by Bullfrog »

Been there . . . done all those things. And just for chuckles, it all reminds me of a George Carlin bit about ridiculous things we all say. Like, ". . . and wouldn't you know, I found it in the very last place I looked." (Um, it would be a bit odd to keep looking AFTER finding it!). :-)
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Re: Cleaned the shop, where'd those parts go...crap.

Post by Bill2001 »

I'm the same way. Controlled Chaos works best.
But I've got to do something. I've run out of free horizontal work surfaces in my shop so I need to do something. Out of desperation. ;)
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Re: Cleaned the shop, where'd those parts go...crap.

Post by viclioce »

1. Bag EVERYTHING with labeling. I do this with extra parts like tranny gears/shafts, carb parts go in my carb tackle box, etc.
2. Put parts/bags in places where you will remember to look for them.
3. Try (I know it's hard) to work in an orderly fashion!
4. Take pictures when taking things apart, when you have that option (I usually don't when I bike comes in boxes)!
5. If I came out of a box when you got it, put it back in the same box until you need it again! You're more likely to associate a part with the container out of which it first came!
6. Pray to the gods of lost parts!!! :mrgreen: :D

1978 175SL
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Re: Cleaned the shop, where'd those parts go...crap.

Post by viclioce »

So, Pop! Did you find your "missing parts" yet? Just curious if they magically reappeared yet? :D Victor

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Re: Cleaned the shop, where'd those parts go...crap.

Post by thrownchain »

I use zip lock bags, and cardboard "flats" from soda or Raman noodles, if you need bigger storage get a tote or 2 with lids from Walmart. Also small food storage containers from the dollar store work well.
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Re: Cleaned the shop, where'd those parts go...crap.

Post by Bill2001 »

That is what I use too. Snack, pint and quart ziplocs for parts and cardboard flats to keep parts and tools organized. And a digital camera as a memory jogger.
Keepin' the Shiny Side up
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taber hodaka
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Re: Cleaned the shop, where'd those parts go...crap.

Post by taber hodaka »

Thats what I used in the far distant past, there are several buildings full now and I go uptown to buy a new bolt. get er done while you are young kids.----------------Clarence
Phil Finocchiaro
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Re: Cleaned the shop, where'd those parts go...crap.

Post by Phil Finocchiaro »

I found the parts. How they got to WASHINGTON STATE I will never know. Thanks Bruce.
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Re: Cleaned the shop, where'd those parts go...crap.

Post by viclioce »

YEAY!!! Was there a delivery charge??? LOL!!!

1978 175SL
1976 03 Wombat
1975 99 Road Toad (2)
1973 96 Dirt Squirt (2)
1973 “Wombat Combat”
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; D Victor
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