The future of Strictly Hodaka

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The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by admin »

I have posted this before on this forum and in the Resonator but once again feel the need to make my intentions clear with the future of Strictly Hodaka motorcycles.
We have been involved with selling and reproducing since 1986. For many many years I ran our catering,deli,sausage company and also did SH at night and on weekends.
Up until a few months ago we here in Sandgate Vermont have still been working running three business's ( Fortuna's Sausage co,Preston Petty Products and Strictly Hodaka Motorcycles). As I have previously stated I am backing away slowly from my involvement in reproducing Hodaka parts and being accessible to take calls or answer Hodaka emails. I am focused more on Fortuna's Sausage co and Preston Petty Products and plan to devote the majority of my time to those two business's.
We will still support Hodaka with this forum and with sponsorship's to the Hodaka Days and the Hodaka Club.

I write this letter in response to calls and emails we have received the past few days while I was on the west coast to work on Preston Petty Products worldwide distribution. This was a very important trip for me and for Preston Petty Products. Some of the calls and emails that we received were rude.People upset that I had not immediately get right back to them even though the auto-response on my emails stated I was gone as did my phone machine.
If need be I will just close Strictly Hodaka. I am trying to balance all of this as best as a person can but some folks make me feel like I am failing. I would much rather lock the doors than be put into a position of failure.

Look folks we are talking about 40-50 year old motorcycles. If it is not fun and things are so immediate and so serious maybe it is time for bad-mitten.
99% of our customers are great people and are long time friends. These folks understand where I am coming from and get it.
We ( all the parts sources) have done so much for the brand to keep a good supply of parts to keep the bikes alive. But for a few this is not good enough.
Maybe it is the internet where everyone wants everything yesterday?? I have a 1986 KDX 200 that I cannot source a rear brake cable for even with my connections all over the world. Dan at Hodaka Parts and I have every color and style of Hodaka cables "in stock". Keep it fun for us and for yourselves.
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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by Dale »

I hope that I speak for the silent majority when I say "thank you" for all that you do and have done for the Hodaka brand. It is always easiest for the happy people to say nothing and be overshadowed by the vocal minority.
Happy and waiting patiently in Walla Walla for my next parts order to arrive. :D After all "It's a boogie machine" so let's keep the fun in it!
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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by Bill2001 »

I wouldn't sweat it. I'm about as new as can be but I realize what you have historically done, what you do, and what you can do for the Hodaka marque. Without your-- and a few other's-- enthusiasm we wouldn't be where we are today. I'd politely disregard the naysayers.
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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by Modracer70 »

Paul, don't let a few bad apples spoil your work, you've done a great job! I was in retail for 40 years, there was always a small percentage of customers we could never make happy. Keep up the great work.

Thanks, Dave
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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by rlkarren »

I'll be forever grateful for helping me turn this, into this...
Ace 90.jpg
I never had a motorcycle growing up but you made it possible and, affordable.

Thanks Paul!

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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by Hodaka250SL »

I love the work you have done. I wouldnt have my bike if it wasn't for this site. Cuz where I'm from nobody knows what a hodaka is. So it really hard to keep these wonderful bikes alive with out you
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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by thrownchain »

I was at Paul's a while back looking for a part that he didn't happen to have. He handed me the shop phone and a short list of numbers to call to find that part, took 4 calls and I had what I needed on the way. Not many places would do that for you. Another thing that can't be duplicated or even taught is the wealth if info that Paul has stored in his brain, even if he passed the business on or sold it on, that wealth of info stays with him. You could buy the parts but not that info. All that and he's just a really good guy.
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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by tvrc18 »

Paul you have been nothing but good to me and I for one hope you keep selling all those parts you had reproduced or sourced we need. You can not please all the people all the time and it is a shame that you have to experience those types.
taber hodaka
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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by taber hodaka »

Paul I would drive 150 miles just to have a cup of coffee with you. That includes the other hodaka friends. Some people should be blocked from the circle of all the folks, that are just here for each other. I hope none of the short fused live in Montana. If there is anything any of us can do to help, let us know. Refer the nasty ones to Clarence. ------Clarence
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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by admin »

Thanks guys I am not looking for sympathy or thanks.
The world has seemed to change with everyone wanting everything yesterday. I just cannot do it anymore. I am old and need to stay focused on things to try and get it right. Running three business's is becoming a challenge now a days.
What prompted this post was two phone calls that Jess took yesterday for me.Both guys were angry that I had not gotten back to them from calls left on Saturday and Sunday. Both guys were looking for advise ( value of his bike) and the other technical help. Both called yesterday morning demanding that I speak with them right away. I did not take their calls.
Jess who works for us is a doll and very very sweet and patient. These guys upset her on how they talked and she does not deserve that!!
Needless to say I will not return these calls. I have always done this Hodaka thing for fun. It was never in my mind a business that put food on the table.
It just takes a few people that are self serving and who's needs exceed what I can give back to ruin this for me. I do not need it and you good guys do not need to hear it anymore from me. It was not just a bad day it seems that more and more this is a regular thing. Is it the internet? Is it society? Or is it just selfish people?
Don't know and do not care anymore. I have spoken with some of the other Hodaka vendors and also vendors of parts for other brands and I am not alone in what I hear. For some of these guys they have other jobs that they actually make money at and their vintage motorcycle business's are only there to keep their brands going. Some are talking about doing what I am considering by pulling away.
These are 40- 50 year old bikes.... Have fun with them and enjoy the ride.

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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by RichardMott »

I am sure I speak for others when I say, “I would not be riding my Hodaka if it were not for your hard work and dedication to the brand and the many Hodaka owners.
I first talked to you in 2005 when I first found out about Hodaka Days. I needed a ride to do a pilgrimage to Athena to ride my Ace 100 that had been stored in my garage for 30 years. I needed to get my bike to Athena, 3000 miles away. You put me in touch with the man, Mike Perrett, that was hauling your trailer there. Another friend discovered.
Calling you was one of the best decisions I have ever made in life. And I have lived for almost 70 years. Don’t lose heart Paul. You have many friends in the Hodaka world. Even If you stopped it all tomorrow, I would have no regrets and would still call you my friend.
Rick Mott

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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by hodakamax »

Hey Paul, I have thanks AND sympathy, and been there-done that. In my commercial photography business through the years, I encountered a few of these guys. As a businessman I took my job seriously and did everything possible to provide what was expected of me and my profession both in quality and customer service. One experience was an extreme effort on my part with none on theirs. (like making the silk purse out of a sow's ear thing). The guy wanted a compensated bill and was rude in his presentation and told he could get all this done cheaper. This was a major account. I gave him his compensation and wrote him a nice letter telling him to stay off my property. One does not need grief in business. No amount of money makes me tolerant of people that upset me. I felt much better and didn't starve.

Just a semi-funny story but you can sort the good from the bad. Think of all the good friends and customers you have (like me!) It's all about a good attitude and looking past the small. Hope you enjoyed my story and take it to heart. Carry on.

Your friend as we say,

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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by dirtsquirt80 »

I'm guilty of this myself I call it the fast food mentality people want to come to a business go through the drive through and order off the dollar menu. so I'm sorry Paul I get caught up in the fast food mentality myself
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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by Strathbike »

Hi Paul ,
Just saw these posts and am sadened to hear you're been copping a rough time . This addiction some (most ) of us have for these quircky bikes , the commadrie (bond?) is unique and a good part of that would be due to you , not just because of the parts you're manufactured , sourced and gathered for us fortunate ones to purchase , but with your communication skills , passion that you have put into your pres reports in the club newsletter , on this forum and when you speak (yes I am fortunate to have been able to attend Hodaka days) . I think we have been just so lucky , as Hodaka owners to have Strictly Hodaka available as a supplier , and you answering our (sometimes dopey ! ) questions . I am always consious , trying to run a small bussines myself , of the pressure you must be under running multiple bussinesses , with the Hodaka thing more a hobby , and always try to keep my order emails brief . Always feel a bit concerned when I jump on the phone , usually cause I've forgotten something when submitting a order , that I have got the time difference right and I'm not bothering you at ridiculois time of day !
Anyway , sorry for the ramble , just saw the posts , it's late Friday night here , whoops make that waaay early Saturday morning .From me over here down near the bottom bit of down under a big thank you for all the help and service you have provided over the years . I hope those callers dont get to you , you are the central bit of this whole Hodaka thing .
Regards , John
robert campbell
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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by robert campbell »

As a new comer to the Hodaka "addiction" I was truly amazed at the availability of the parts for these old old bikes. I have restored and ridden other old bikes from the "big four" and they were harder to find the parts for. We have you to thank for that.

You broke away from your day to provide me a 40 tooth rear sprocket and between you and Bruce Young I have a working fun bike to ride.

I can imagine that you are not making a million dollars on your Hodaka business. This tells me you are in it for the right reasons. Love of the bike and the common people that own them. Trust me, I am a dirt farmer in Western Washington and cannot afford restoration services or high dollar vehicles of any kind.

Take this as not sympathy or thanks in the normal way. Take it as most of our understanding of why you have done this! It is obvious and honorable. You are giving back to the brand and the people who love them, and one day at the gates, it will be a huge plus on the right side of your ledger!!

I run a small hobby business tuning old muscle cars. My thanks is the owners look when he/she comes back from a drive with his or her car running ten times better than it ever has. Nominal money changes hands and that is not why I do it. Many times I do it for free and let the owner assist. Their happiness is my biggest reward. and a few can really make you ask why you do it....

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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by socalhodaka »

Paul, you know I have your back. I'm sorry to hear this stuff, you have giving so much to the brand and to many guys like me with helping with our projects. I wish I could say shake it off these few jerks but it does hit hard when your such a nice guy. I can't wait to see you again.
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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by Jack.Broomall »

Paul, When I wandered into the Hodaka community in 2009 it was the warm welcome from you, Patti, and others that encouraged me to stay. The various interesting things I've be able to do with Hodies would never have been possible without your support. Respect for whatever you decide to do going forward. Luv ya brother. Jack
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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by matt glascock »

Hey Paul, Hang tough, Bro. It takes special passion to hoist and keep flying the flag of a (now) relatively obscure motorcycle company that has been defunct for approaching 40 years. Your dedication to remaining one of the last bastions for the parts and intellectual informational resources that allow us to keep these machines operational keeps them a living and vital chapter in motorcycle history rather than a mere footnote. Well done!
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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by socalhodaka »

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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by Bill2001 »

So true, Socal. The motorcyclesare steeped in a tradition of excellence. Even though they were probuced for only a few years in limited numbers, the marque remains strong and well-supported. The very first non-repair part on mine was that commemorative badge mounted.on the rear fender just aft of the seat.
Keepin' the Shiny Side up
on a '72 Wombat 94

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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by rough rider »

Hey Paul, I want to thank you for all you have done, if it were not for support and chat group, I would not have been able meet so many great people as yourself and others. Not to mention reliving those past years of owning Hodakas and learning all the things I missed the first time around. You can only do so much and when it stops being enjoyable to be at work, it is best to find other adventures and fulfill other dreams. Yes, our world is quickly changing and it will never be like it used to be, but there a lot of wonderful people out there and we are blessed to live and do the things we love to do still. Thank you again Paul, and may God continue to bless you and your family. Richard
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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by Neptune »

I'd be happy to blame the internet! It fosters a culture of getting anything you want the moment you click on it. I run a business myself, it's very hands on, and from time to time I get outrageous requests from internet customers who are apparently accustomed to immediate gratification in their lives. It's not your fault. I actually had a customer email me once saying he'd just left the post office and was mailing me something he wanted me to reproduce without even asking if I was capable of doing so. Then when it took a few extra days to get it done, he whined and complained to no end. Some people just think of their own concerns, and you can't help them. Don't worry about them, they'll fade away eventually.
Running one business is tough. Three? Hats off to you, sir.
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Re: The future of Strictly Hodaka

Post by Bill2001 »

In a way, SH may be a victim of it's own success. I'm new here and my first several orders got processed and out the same day. After Paul's "I'm scaling back" memo I noticed that orders sometimes took a day or two to get out. The first couple of times i fretted, worrying that something had broken in the ordernling chain, but realized that priotities change.

And yes, we get accustomed to the Instant Gratification of the 'Net. ;)
Keepin' the Shiny Side up
on a '72 Wombat 94

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