York Swapmeet

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York Swapmeet

Post by admin »

A bunch of us had a great time at the York swapmeet this past weekend. It is an indoor swapmeet and over the years has grown to be a huge event. For past several years SH and the Hodaka Club have had a strong presence there.
It is hard enough for me to man my booth space but thanks to Roger Duttry and Rick Mott whom are there for the Hodaka Club booth we all work in harmony to fly the Hodaka flag.
We always find a way to go to diner on Saturday night which is also a lot of fun. Thanks to Rick, Roger, Dan Killian,Bob Brooks, Sterling, Paul Burke, Gary and Gregg Gendron for all the support and help all weekend. It was a great time.
Rick signed up new members for the Hodaka Club so our family is growing.

There were a lot of great bikes and parts for sale and alot of old friends.
Thanks for the help guys. Sorry I pushed to get out of there so fast but I wanted to hear the Patriots game on the radio. Maybe I should have stayed at the swapmeet. Congratulations to Bill Chapman and the Bronco's on a great well played game against my Pat's. The better team won yesterday!!
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Re: York Swapmeet

Post by admin »

OOOPS.. I had two of the Hodaka 50th anniversary tank badges with me to show off to the world. The comments were mainly "How beautiful" "gorgeous" "fantastic". I really have to tell you all they are stunning. I have been making Hodaka parts for over twenty-five years and these 50th anniversary tank badges that Gregg Floren designed are one of the most beautiful items I have ever made. There are only 500 badges being made (250 pairs) that is it. When they are gone they are gone and not coming back. Don't be disappointed and get your name on the list by emailing me directly at [email protected]
I am now told they will arrive to me by the end of February. I wish you all could have sen them in person. WOW !!
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Re: York Swapmeet

Post by Dale »

Paul, I can not believe that it has been a year since my travels allowed me to attend last year's York Swapmeet! Wish I could have attended it this time too as it was a very good time and tons of cool bikes to drool over. I am still thankful that I did not have a trailer with me as some of the bikes would have been coming home with me...
I am looking forward to seeing these new tank badges too.
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Re: York Swapmeet

Post by admin »

Dale you were definitely missed ! Always great to hang out with you. There were a lot of really nice things there again this year.
You are on the list for the tank badges and you will LOVE them !!

Hey please take care of my good friend in Boise Bruce Young. He needs someone like you to look after him :-)
See you at Hodaka Days
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Re: York Swapmeet

Post by rdbrooks14 »


I heard that Bob Brooks was going to be there with his Super Rat!
Bob in MD
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Re: York Swapmeet

Post by admin »

Yes Rick is there still searching for him :-)
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Re: York Swapmeet

Post by RichardMott »

Bob, do you know Bob? I need to put a face with the name.

Rick Mott

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Re: York Swapmeet

Post by admin »

No Rick you already did that. Yes you did that very well too.
What we are talking about is that Rick was manning the Hodaka Club booth. I was next door at the SH booth and watching the Rick speaking in depth to Bob Brooks for quite a while. Rick stops mid sentence and asks Roger Duttry and I if we have seen Bob Brooks ??? Well yes Rick you have been speaking to him for 15 minutes. Rick meet Bob and Bob meet Rick.
Gosh that was funny. Rick and Bob thank you for coming to the event.
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Re: York Swapmeet

Post by thrownchain »

I know from my vantage point just up the aisle, the Hodaka camp was busy almost all day Sun. Wasn't very often to look over and see no-one there.
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