Looking for ID help!

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Location: Santa Fe, NM

Looking for ID help!

Post by viclioce »

Hi! I'm a new member and a fairly new owner of a 1976 Wombat 125. Here's a question I need answered. I know I have a Model 03 frame, and, I know I have a Model 94 motor. My question is, can you tell me if this is an original combination for these two components? The frame serial number matches the VIN tag on the steering head. How do I confirm if this is the original engine for this frame? I want to complete a factory restore, If the engine and frame can be confirmed as being original to each other. If not, then I will just make the bike nice to ride again. So give me a holler if you know how to tell if the engine and frame are original to each other! Thanks! Victor

1978 175SL
1976 03 Wombat
1975 Road Toad 2
1974 98 Super Rat
1974 97 Super Combat
1973 96 Dirt Squirt 2
1973 Wombat Combat
1973 Combat Wombat
1972 94 Wombat
1972 Super Squirt
1971 92B+ Ace
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Joined: Fri Aug 23, 2013 1:11 pm

Re: Looking for ID help!

Post by dcooke007 »

Welcome to the group and a 94 model engine would not be correct for an 03 model Wombat. I would suggest looking on the front on the right inner engine case for the engine serial #. You should find it in the area behind the engine clutch lever. Strictly Hodaka has the engine and frame serial # so you can know what you have. If you want to restore it correctly I do have an 03 engine I was planning to rebuild/ restore and offer for sale.
Danny Cooke
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