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Roller bearing

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 12:37 pm
by rtboone
Greetings all

What would be the best method to remove the main shaft roller bearing in an 03 engine. I've used the hydraulic and tap methods for the bushings in other engines ( tap works better for me) but I have never removed a roller bearing in this location, and I don't want to damage the case.



Re: Roller bearing

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 4:22 pm
by dcooke007
Hey Tom,

I use a large toaster oven. I bought it to bake my refinished parts and heat up parts to install and remove bearings. Bring the case up to 325 degrees and the bearing should come out pretty easy.

Danny Cooke

Re: Roller bearing

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 10:02 am
by rtboone

I got it out using a "snap on" small slide hammer puller. Three pulls on the hammer and it was out without heating the case.


Re: Roller bearing

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 10:21 am
by Bruce Young
Hello, I have a tech question. many years ago in shop class they indicated the heating and cooling method was best to put steel sleeves, brgs, and etc from alm., pieces. Not matter how careful we might try to use a puller or press set up to pull bushings or bearings with out some heat on the alm., to releave the tension area on the bush or brg, it can move very small amounts of matter from the alm., part. Sooner or latter a new size product will have to be installed with larger diameter out side, and it will have resized to fit properly. The same is true when force fitting a part into alm. have to be very careful. Thanks Bruce