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A multi-part story . . . part two

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2022 11:36 am
by Bullfrog
A Hodaka Story – Part Two

• The inspiring “challenge” (part two)

In Part One of this story you were introduced to a rare prototype Hodaka motorcycle.

In Part Two you’ll learn about a few inspiring challenges which have materialized after Chuck Swanson passed away in January of this year. Chuck and Dyann had long intended to donate the 175cc Prototype to the Hodaka Museum which is coming together in Athena – and that is still Dyann’s firm intent. However, a small group of dedicated Hodaka fans and long-time friends of the Swanson’s took note of some of the challenges Dyann was facing. The group wanted to help carry some of the burden of donating such a valuable asset. Three Hodaka experts have assessed the dollar value of the 175 Prototype as being somewhere between $10,000 and $20,000 – a rather large donation for any us to make!

Make a note of the following secret code: bullfrog86n@ (you’ll see why a bit later)

The group has come up with an inspiring “challenge” to help Dyann carry the burden of the donation of the motorcycle. We have committed to match, dollar-for-dollar, gifts from Hodaka friends to partially purchase the 175 Prototype prior to donating it to the museum. In this way, we can all help share the financial weight of such a significant asset donation. So, if you’d like to support Dyann and also be a part of getting the 175 Prototype into the museum, you can do so by making a donation in any amount – and the group will match it (up to the limit of funds committed)! (Doubling the value of your donation!) The group is prepared/committed to fully match the first $4,500 gifted to the fund. So, if the wider circle of Hodaka fans and Swanson family friends “gifts” that amount, we’ll end up with a total of $9,000 to support Dyann and the museum exhibit. An engraved plaque will list the names of folks who gifted $500 or more to the fund when the machine goes into the museum.

You may have noted that the term “gift” is being used – any gift you make will not meet the legal requirements of a “donation” for tax purposes. (I don’t know about you, but it’s been several years since my itemized donations have totaled more than the standard deduction at the federal level.)

And that brings us to the end of Part Two, leading to Part Three “Details”. If you think you might want to make a gift to the 175 Prototype Campaign Fund, you’ll probably want to start checking references about me. You may be asking yourself, “How comfortable am I with sending a check payable to Ed Chesnut to help make this happen?” A completely reasonable question. (NOTE: This campaign WILL be “old school”. Checks – yes, checks. Mailed – yes, mailed - to my home address. No credit cards, or pay pal, etc. A campaign built on trust between friends with common goals . . . old school.) If you have questions right now, send them to (see the secret code above). Emails only for now. No “Messenger” PM’s. (I did mention “old school” right?)

. . . to be continued . . . (details)