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Mini Summer Adventure

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 3:30 am
by hodakamax
Mini-adventure last summer, Car Show and cruise night called Oswegofest. Just nine miles, grab a couple of Hodakas and we’re off!. It is Kansas though and thunderstorms are lurking on the horizon. Not unloading yet. Always fun displaying Hodakas. People remember when and stop by to tell past experiences. Young people have no idea what they are but have questions. Fun conversations before the rains came with a vengeance. We did get wet not long after this picture, almost made it home. Before bedtime WD-40 spray down as most old Hodakas are down to steel spokes as these two are. Nobody melted, rusted or animals harmed in this story. Fun while it lasted. That’s why they call it adventures. Maybe next summer. 8-) :?

Re: Mini Summer Adventure

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 4:09 am
by Dale
Next summer? Not if it's the last full weekend in June... ;)

Re: Mini Summer Adventure

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 5:28 am
by givergas
last 2 years iv been going to the local car show hundreds of old cars and trucks ,1st year my 3 hodakas and 1 honda 90 , last year my one hodaka and a 70ish Harley . lots of people to talk to , this year guy offered for me to buy his hodaka stash from days gone buy so i did. good guy nice stories of racing in the upper mid west , he even inspired me to make up some business cards so if somebody has somethings im interested in i can just give out my card cause ive missed a few things because i wasnt ready fast enough before they walked away any way good times and a good place to hang out with the grandson thats him and a buddy with our awards ....albert

Re: Mini Summer Adventure

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2022 5:51 am
by bobwhitman
So, Max, who’s the college girl parked on your tailgate? She’s even wearing a custom Good tee…