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Resonator Revisited - material due by April 26th

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2019 5:40 pm
by bobwhitman
Hodaka Scribes:

Time to pull together the Hodaka Days 2019 Resonator Revisited. I need to ask for material by April 26th !

While this issue will focus on the upcoming HD’19 events, schedule, changes and outrageous amount of fun available via the coolest lengthy motorcycle weekend in the country, there is still room for information on projects, clever ideas, cool trail rides across our fair (our your fair, for our Canadian and Australian members) country and more.

Remember, our two “sections” – one on member’s bikes, to showcase any cool bikes members are willing to share, and “Tech Tips” – a section intended to include short pieces on clever little time/labor/cost – saving ideas writers are willing to share. Please consider contributing these short items.

Especially, I want material from those who contributed to the "Show us your tools "thread here on the chat group. A number of really useful tools, we need to share them!

Our target for the next issue is to produce and distribute the next issue by mid- May, Allowing for editing & layout, I need your stuff no later than April 26th. Please help with timely submissions.
