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Holiday Season Resonator

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 12:39 pm
by bobwhitman
Hodaka Folk:

Time to assemble the next Resonator Revisited. I need to ask for material by December 3rd !

Share information on projects, clever ideas (technical or humorous). Any and all will be appreciated. Racing wins (local, regional or national) or “ya shoulda seen the one that got away”, cool trail/road rides across our fair (our your fair, for our Canadian and Australian members) country, we’d love to hear about your thrills and, um, learning experiences.

Remember, our two “sections” – one on member’s bikes, to showcase any cool bikes members are willing to share, and “Tech Tips” – a section intended to include short pieces on clever little time/labor/cost–saving ideas writers are willing to share. Please consider contributing these short items in addition, of course, to your more lengthy, and illuminating works!

Our target for the next issue is to produce and distribute the next issue early in January, shortly after Christmas, with Planning Meeting notes regarding Hodaka Days 2019 (just met last weekend in the Gem Theater, Athena!), and an update on the new Hodaka Club combined website(s) from our illustrious Web Guru Gary Bashor. All these matters, and more, will be featured.

Allowing for holidays, editing & layout, I need your stuff no later than December 3rd . Please help with timely submissions.

[email protected]

Re: Holiday Season Resonator

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2018 8:17 am
by bobwhitman
Need it now!
Time to send me any material for the Resonator Revisited, as I'm actively editing. If you have a piece, but haven't sent it , please do so now. If it is imperfect (and whose isn't?) no sweat, we can clean up anything as needed.
