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Model 97 Super Combat Rims & Hubs

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 8:22 am
by JackM
Should the rims and hubs be painted on a model 97? If so, is pewter a good choice? This old bike had sat out in the weather and the spokes got rusty and the aluminum hubs and rims were oxidized. I've sanded them down and polished and they they look pretty good now, so I'm wondering if I should leave them that way or paint them. Everything is taken apart so it would be an easy enough job to do. The rear spokes were trashed, but the fronts weren't bad. I've got them soaking in Evapo-rust right now and boy what a difference that stuff makes. I had used it before on small parts and had used it all up, so I got a gallon this time. I highly recommend it.

Re: Model 97 Super Combat Rims & Hubs

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 9:29 am
by dirty_rat
You can either leave the hubs as is (just polish them up with something that will keep them from oxidizing) or paint them. I have had good luck with Dupli-Color Engine Enamel with Ceramic Resin spray paint Item # DE1650. Most automotive parts stores carry it.

Re: Model 97 Super Combat Rims & Hubs

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2018 2:30 pm
by thrownchain
Powdercoat is another option. They make a chrome powder that looks pretty good.

Re: Model 97 Super Combat Rims & Hubs

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2018 11:36 am
by JackM
Thanks guys. I think I'm just going to paint them. This bike is not going to be a garage queen, and hopefully someone will get some good use out of it one day.