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Trimming reeds?

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2018 9:17 am
by dirty_rat
Question? What is the best method for trimming Boyesen Reeds (the 613 Husky reeds) to fit into a Hodaka reed cage? I was going to file them to size, but I didn't know if there were more suitable ways to get them to the right size.


Re: Trimming reeds?

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 5:05 am
by racerclam
small dremel cut off wheels work good then finish fit with emery cloth laying on flat surface then sanding holding the pedal . I can supply double carbon fiber pedals that work better than four smaller pedals


Re: Trimming reeds?

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 11:52 am
by dirty_rat
Thanks for the information Rich. I already have a couple of sets of the Boyesen reeds, but I will get with you on the carbon reeds for my next project. Thanks again.

Re: Trimming reeds?

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 10:07 am
by Bullfrog

I saw your message on Saturday but held off on responding for two, -- no, make that three, reasons.
1. I wuz kind of "slammed" with spring chores.
2. While I knew exactly how I would go about trimming reeds, I wasn't sure that the method I would use is THE method which is used by guys who really know their stuff.
3. I suspected that Rich (racerclam) would see the post and respond sooner or later . . . and he really knows his stuff on this topic. And sure enough he did respond - and now we all know the right way to go about trimming reeds by way of advice from an expert on the topic! Kewel!