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Ace compatability 90 vs 100

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 11:09 am
by matt glascock
Hi all, Will an early Ace 100 shift/mag cover (1 up/4 down shift pattern) be a direct bolt-on replacement for an Ace 90 motor? I recall 'yes'. Looking for confirmation. Many thanks!

Re: Ace compatability 90 vs 100

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 11:17 am
by Dale
Is this a trick question?
Yes, I "think" the cover will bolt up, but the internals are different and not compatible. 5 speed vs 4 speed.

Re: Ace compatability 90 vs 100

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 2:30 pm
by matt glascock
Holy smokes!! I just read my question. I can't even figure it out! Typing and talking on the phone at the same time is definitely not my strong suit. Let me try this again, Dale. Can I take an ACE 100 shift cover (1 up/5 down early Ace 100) and rebuild it to operate in a 1 up/4 down configuration using some Ace 90 parts I have in my stash? Whew! That's better. Sorry Dale.

Re: Ace compatability 90 vs 100

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 4:07 pm
by Dale
That's pretty funny Matt. So, I don't know for sure but my guess would be yes. I am not where I can compare covers but I can in time and will get back to you on this unless someone else beats me to it.

Re: Ace compatability 90 vs 100

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 4:58 pm
by racerclam
sure , I put 5 speed guts in my 90 cover


Re: Ace compatability 90 vs 100

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 4:59 pm
by racerclam
sure I put 5 speed guts in my 90 cover for my webco 125 motor


Re: Ace compatability 90 vs 100

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 1:27 am
by matt glascock
Hey thanks fellas. I will see if I can put 4 speed guts in a 100 cover.

Re: Ace compatability 90 vs 100

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:54 am
by hodakamax
Let's see. I'm trying to remember all of this. I went the other way and put a CR 5 speed in my Ace 90. I did have to grind the stops on the case for more throw on the lever. Going the other way should work fine I would think.


Re: Ace compatability 90 vs 100

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 4:45 am
by taber hodaka
I put a wide ratio in the 90 with a different 5 speed ratchet provided. I did not have to modify the shift cover. With the proper ratchet you would not have to modify the case for more throw ( I think), haven't played with it for years. I use the newer cover now because of the shift pattern but I still have the 90 five speed cover that is set up for five speeds. Clarence

Re: Ace compatability 90 vs 100

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 8:33 am
by TheBevman
On a related note, after reading this thread I was surprised to find that the '68 Ace 100 that my kids and I are rebuilding does indeed shift 1 up and 4 down. Quite the surprise! Looks like I need to REALLY look at the manual because I completely missed that fact. Now that I think about it and wonder if my kids will have some problems with it, they both currently ride bikes with "traditional" shift patterns, 1 down and 4 up.

Thinking along that line, my question is... What parts would I need to convert the 100 cover over to a traditional shift pattern (like my M94 Wombat)?

Looking at the Ace 100 and Wombat 125 parts breakdowns on it looks like the foot change ratchet is the only part I can see that would need to change. Surely it couldn't be that easy swapping part # 912001-R for 942008 or on their respective schematics, #9-19 for #30. Could it? The part numbers for all other shifting components are the same save for those two.



Re: Ace compatability 90 vs 100

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2018 9:41 am
by Dale
Unfortunately, it takes a swap of the cover itself to get the 1 down/ 4 up shift pattern. One that says HODAKA.