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New owner: Hodaka-Parts, Inc

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 1:29 pm
by Bill2001
Terry Larson, of Two Bros Racing, has purchased Hodaka-Parts from Dan Jennings. From a FaceBook post:

(Got it to paste)
I am Happy to announce that my wife and I have purchased Hodaka-Parts Inc. We have some real big shoes to fill and we want to Thank the previous owners, Bill Cook and recently Dan Jennings for keeping the Hodaka Brand alive through HPI. Go to our website for more details. Thanks

Re: New owner: Hodaka-Parts, Inc

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 6:53 pm
by danshale

Re: New owner: Hodaka-Parts, Inc

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2017 10:46 pm
by Bill2001
The announcement from Terry Larsen:

I am Happy to announce that my wife and I have purchased Hodaka-Parts Inc. We have some real big shoes to fill and we want to Thank the previous owners, Bill Cook and recently Dan Jennings for keeping the Hodaka Brand alive through HPI. Go to our website for more details. Thanks

Re: New owner: Hodaka-Parts, Inc

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 12:49 am
by Makotosun
I guess there is a use after all for our Facebook presence . . .

Re: New owner: Hodaka-Parts, Inc

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 3:54 am
by Bill2001
But not everybody does FB, especially old guys on old bikes.

And this notice came up on the Hodaka Fan Club, which is diff from The Hodaka Club page. I think...

Re: New owner: Hodaka-Parts, Inc

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2017 5:39 am
by Makotosun
Correct, the link goes to our club page.

The fan page is separate from the club, and is not owned or managed by us. There will be links to both on our new club site! I understand it not everyone is on Facebook, and not everyone on Facebook is not on this site, so the goal is to connect with as many enthusiasts as possible.

There has always seemed to be a real pushback or bias against Facebook, even though most of our vendors (old guys on old bikes) make heavy use of it. If things are being announced on Facebook, and not on this site by the vendor, folks here will miss out unless someone reposts here. I’m just trying to bridge the gap so info gets to everyone, and can be found!

End of rant . . .

Re: New owner: Hodaka-Parts, Inc

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2017 11:25 am
by thrownchain
Just bringing this back to the top in case it was missed.

Re: New owner: Hodaka-Parts, Inc

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 8:54 am
by go_hercules
I dont use facebook. I think of Facebook as a place for women and school girls to gossip on.

Re: New owner: Hodaka-Parts, Inc

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 9:16 am
by Bullfrog
Facebook isn't my favorite either . . . but there is a bit more to it than what you are thinking go_hercules. Certainly not a good platform for good discussions or diagnosing problems . . . since it becomes quite difficult to re-find the discussion thread after only a day or two. I think of it more like, I used to read Dirt Bike, Cycle, Cycle News, Dirt Rider, etc., etc. -- so now I check this forum, some other forums AND a couple/three Facebook pages.

Re: New owner: Hodaka-Parts, Inc

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 11:03 am
by viclioce
Facebook, like anything else, is a resource which requires learning & practice.

I will partially agree with Ed that it can be less easy than this forum software for revisiting existing discussions. But like anything else learning is the key.

I do not find it difficult at all to search back, because I have learned how. However, the format of our forum software does make it simpler.

They both provide the same opportunity. To ask & respond or receive. But choosing one over the other can result in not always getting the answer(s) needed.

I have found a plethora of information here on this forum. But, I can say I have found answers on FB which I asked & did not receive here. Posted picks of an installed Ace 100 B+ wiring harness is one example which comes to mind.

It may have been fortuitous luck, but even so, the answer came quickly and made a huge difference for me when I was working on the 1971 B+!

So, I retort, don’t always knock something, simply because you aren’t as proficient in one format as you are in another. Obtaining the best answer needed isn't always a one lane, one way road! :ugeek: Victor

Re: New owner: Hodaka-Parts, Inc

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 7:54 pm
by Bill2001
I'll agree with Ed-- FB has a clunky interface for following "discussion forum" type of, uh, discussions. It's more oriented to "look what I've posted on my Wall/personal area". It can be used for forums, but not easily. I use it for keeping up with old college/school friends and political rants.

This is Hodaka Home to me.

Re: New owner: Hodaka-Parts, Inc

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:47 am
by Bruce Young
Hodaka World, It is my feeling that one needs all these varous type,s of reference material, each of us has our reasons for not using, Facebook, Forum, Yahoo group for reference info and a place to ask questions. It would be a perfect world if all these could be folded or at least work with each other to give use one place to do our reference work. But I know Gary and his crew are working on this perfect world, but have meet with some resistance. In order to make it work each of us must make a decision to use only one area and then sell it to others to use, that way the other site would desolve into the woodwork. This happened with the Yahoo Hodaka group they had an issue with the sever and stopped using it so much, witch lead to the Hodaka Fan Club, and etc. Lets get behind one group and support it and make it even greater than it is and then everyone will go to it for info and the end. I hope that one site will be the Hodaka Club Forum. It still needs some fine tuning, but it will get there with our help. Bruce Young

Re: New owner: Hodaka-Parts, Inc

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:15 pm
by viclioce
Good points Bruce! I know I do the same with FB and the Suzuki forum for our VL1500s as well. I constantly refer people from FB to the Delphi 1500LC/C90 forum. I’ll start doing the same thing for the Hodaka Forum as well. Maybe it will increase the number of new members to the Club!!! :ugeek: Victor

Re: New owner: Hodaka-Parts, Inc

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2017 6:34 pm
by Makotosun
For those questioning the value of Facebook -my recent burglary would be unsolved if not for watching the Facebook Marketplace. Also, the purchaser of the XR saw my post about it being stolen on one of the Facebook groups and contacted me to return the bike.

Just saying, our plan is to have the club site be a reference portal the forum to be a forum, and Facebook to help sell the club and the forum to those not already on the board. They each serve a separate purpose, and each does their intended job optimally!

Re: New owner: Hodaka-Parts, Inc

Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2017 2:21 am
by taber hodaka
Sounding great ! ------------------Clarence