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Resonator Revisited Articles Needed!

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2015 5:53 pm
by bobwhitman
Hodaka Folk:

Time to get crackin’ on the holiday issue of the Resonator Revisited! I need to ask for material by November 29th. Technical or humorous (pratfalls & endos), proud and serious (local/regional/national championships?) Any and all will be appreciated. Racing triumphs (or “ya shoulda seen the one that got away”), cool trail rides across our fair (our your fair, for our Canadian and Australian members) country, we’d love to hear bout your triumphs and, um, learning experiences. Digital photos are a big plus, so snap away and send them on to me!

Remember, our two newer “sections” – one on member’s bikes, to showcase any cool bikes members are willing to share; and “Tech Tips” – a section intended to include short pieces on clever little time/labor/cost – saving ideas writers are willing to share. Please consider contributing these short items! In addition, of course, to your more lengthy, and illuminating works!

Our target for the next issue is to produce and distribute the next issue by New Years. Allowing for editing & layout, I need your stuff no later than November 29th. Please help with timely submissions.

Bob Whitman 541-954-0101
[email protected]

Re: Resonator Revisited Articles Needed!

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 6:59 pm
by viclioce
Bob! I sent you an email with the story of my Model 03 restore and some before, during and after photos to go with it. I hope it might be something you can use! Feel free to edit it as needed. ; D Victor

Re: Resonator Revisited Articles Needed!

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 9:35 am
by bobwhitman
got it Victor; sent you a response a few minutes ago. Thanks!

Re: Resonator Revisited Articles Needed!

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 9:18 am
by RichardMott

I just finished reading the latest RR. It was great. I really laughed at the pit crew story from Rick Siemens. :lol:

I did find one small mistake. 2300 hours is not 7 PM. That would be 1900. But I don't think anyone will make the mistake of showing up for the Banquet at 11 PM.

Re: Resonator Revisited Articles Needed!

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 12:04 pm
by bobwhitman
Ouch! Rick, you got me.
I accept full responsibility for any/all typos and other errors. Anyone who wants to submit other corrections is hereby assumed to have accepted the job of Associate Editor for solicitation and proofreading for all future Resonators...


Re: Resonator Revisited Articles Needed!

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 12:26 pm
by hodakamax
Yikes, Max is happy, Good job Bob and Gang! :D
