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Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:05 am
by turbokh
I bought a small herd of Hodakas recently, and with one of the Combat Wombats I got a box of lighting parts. Did a Combat Wombat ever come with lights originally or is this just stuff from a Wombat?

Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:20 am
by bobwhitman
No original lights. They might be Wombat or "accessory" package like one sold for the Dirt Squirt.

Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 6:15 am
by turbokh
That's what I thought.. so it's just junk. Cool

Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 7:08 am
by Bullfrog
No, that's not what Bob said.

There were "official" light kits for the Combat Wombat. IF you wanted lights for your bike . . . they could be "period correct". On the other hand, if you are building up a "factory issue, correct" Combat Wombat, then the lights you have are going to left over parts (but still not necessarily "junk").


Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 4:27 pm
by Scribbler
The Pabatco trail lighting kits (from Resonator "Special Trick Stuff" Issue Number Three):
Trail Lighting Kits
Trail Lighting Kits

Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 5:32 am
by turbokh
Haven't had much luck selling small used parts. Have mostly just given them away. So.. off to the trash it goes!
Thanks for your replies.

Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:08 am
by Dale

Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 9:08 am
by dirtsquirt80
lighting parts are easily sold Scott

Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 9:21 am
by admin
turbokh "off to the trash it goes" ????????
These parts are not being made any longer if you have no need for them why not donate them to the Hodaka Club ? It is a great use of great parts if you are going to throw them out. Bob Whitman can take possession of the parts on behalf of the Hodaka Club so they will go to a good home and for a great cause.

Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 9:28 am
by bobwhitman
You bet! Don't toss them! I'll gladly take them & see that they get to a deserving home. Pls call or email me directly:
Bob Whitman 541-954-0101
[email protected]

Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 8:56 am
by turbokh
Bob, left you my number via voicemail

Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 1:08 am
by dirtsquirt80
Awesome Idea Paul!!!!!! never thought about it because I have a problem throwing any hodaka part away even if it is trash. are they taking any hodaka part or just combat wombat parts this year? thank's Scott

Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 1:52 am
by admin
Thank you Karl!

Scott if there is anything you do not need or think to throw out just contact Bob Whitman. Maybe we can use these parts on this years raffle bike or maybe next years bike.

Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 9:34 am
by turbokh
Look for my email with 7 pics.
[email protected]

Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 10:41 am
by bobwhitman
OK, gang. Karl has a tail light or two, some wiring harness, a switch or two, and what looks like a complete _model 94) Wombat headlight. He needs a late (Road Toad/ 01 Squirt/03 Wombat) shifter case. His parts are in a suburb of Buffalo, NY. Can anyone offer to swap him? Or pick up his parts for the Club? Or sell (at fair price) a used shifter case?


Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:35 am
by turbokh
I didn't include it in the pictures, but I found the headlight brackets, too.

Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 7:27 am
by Zyx
The thought of tossing Hodaka parts, used or otherwise, period correct or not, is painful. I stripped all the lighting and chrome fenders from my 100B back in 1972. They sat in a box for years and were simply left behind when I moved in the mid 70's because they were, to me, just "junk." Today, those same parts would be worth more than the original cost of the whole bike. I could kick myself for letting them go, even though I have not used lights on my bike since 1972, and probably never will.

Even if you don't want them, find someone who does. As pointed out, most of these items are just not made anymore. You might not find a buyer on craigslist or eBay, but you probably will find someone here on the Hodaka forum who needs them. The guys putting Hodaka Days together could sell them to generate revenue for the annual event, if nothing else.

Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 8:07 am
by bobwhitman
We're going to save them AZ; I'm just looking for someone to pick them up from Karl, so we don't have to box 'em up for shipping.

Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 7:54 am
by Zyx

Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 6:17 am
by turbokh
The box is wrapped, Bob. Send me your address and I'll ship it so we can stop the whining.

Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 7:04 am
by Bullfrog

I'd like to thank you for your immediate willingness to contribute the parts to the club upon learning of that possibility. You sir are a gentleman and scholar (as we used to say back in the '70's). (Note that sometimes folks skim messages pretty quickly . . . jump to wrong conclusions -- and fire off a response. I have to admit that I've done that on occasion.)

I hope you will accept that we are group of semi-eccentric folks (that's pretty obvious right? We like Hodies!) who exhibit pretty good manners most of the time . . . we do enjoy having a good time too.

Thanks again for your support!


Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 7:07 am
by Bullfrog
DOH! I wuz going to put a PS on my previous message.

PS: Just the thought of Hodaka parts being pitched in the dumpster can cause some of us to lose contact with reality for a little while. So take that into account too, OK? ;)

Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Mon Jan 05, 2015 8:17 am
by bobwhitman
You got it!
Bob Whitman
3025 Neslo Lane
Eugene, OR 97405

Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 4:13 am
by pungo

Sorry been away from the group for a couple months it seems, busy with another hurry up project. Restoring a KT250 to try my hand at Vintage trials come spring. Dan has my motor all apart in his shop waiting on me getting him parts. If I end up liking the sport expect to build a hodaka trials bike as I have seen others do

Anyway had I seen this thread I would certainly have gotten the parts from Karl. Have been out to his place several times, last time he gave me a bunch of old parts, plastic fenders, beat tanks, frame and wheels that were part of the Hodaka lot he picked up. Good guy for sure as demonstrated here.

On the last visit we spent a bunch of time trying to figure out exactly what his bike is, Black Toad motor in an 01 Squirt Frame with many mismatched parts. The new Hodaka book came in handy yet again to show pics of examples etc.

Glad the extra parts are making their way to a good home vs trash. Just going cross country vs 60 miles away.
Keep in mind I am available for anything Hodaka in western NY, as Hodaka Club member I will certainly house parts for the club.

I will try to keep up with post better, just never seems to be enough hours in the day. Is there a Daily Digest of post available here like on Yahoo, that certainly makes it easier to scan topics and content. Will check on my settings.

Re: Combat Wombat Lights?

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 7:28 am
by bobwhitman
Thanks; sorry we missed contact, but thanks to Karl's generous nature, all's well.

I am trying to locate a serviceable shifter case for Karl's 01 Squirt - he'll pay a fair price, or someone might want to return his kindness!

Bob (on behalf of the club)