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Re: The 2 the Max Project
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 8:40 am
by hodakamax
Hey Brad, I've got a set of RFY 340mm on a trail bike project but I haven't really put them to the severe test. OK is all I can say for now. Another set on this project, 320mm, unused so far. Somewhere on the Forum we discussed these and there is a guy who services these shocks and can set them up properly if not satisfactory. I can't find the info yet but maybe someone on the Forum can. Not much to lose for price and looks, fit and finish, all good. Wish I could tell you more, no complaints so far. Victor, viclioce on this forum has bought several pairs for his projects an seems satisfied and might also have some input. Keep us posted as shall I.
Re: The 2 the Max Project
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 11:27 am
by dirty_rat
Here is the info from the guy that was re-building those shocks:
He has a lot of info on his site about the shocks and what he has found out.
Re: The 2 the Max Project
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 1:24 pm
by brad100
Appreciate the feedback gentlemen.
I am measuring 14” from eyelet to eyelet, so figured a size around 350mm-360mm would be a direct match. Did you go with a smaller shock, or was that what you were measuring on your setup? Being a 5’7” rider, I wouldn’t mind going about an inch lower- sounds pretty appealing. Any true adjustments needed for a smaller shock? Definitely looks like I have the clearance to go an inch or so lower..
Maxie your testimony alone may sell me on them, but I’d like to hear Vic’s 2 cents if he comes across this. I have a small and undemanding commute to work and around Denver side streets, so I don’t need the best of the best. If the looks, fit, and finish check out to you, and Vic is also putting them on his bikes, they seem like a fine start (or end) to my search.
Dirty_rat, thank you for passing that along! I’ve came across that page in my research, but I was looking for a more up-to-date quality review. There is some great info regarding the rebuild process, but the article is from 2013...I was curious if quality has gone up since then. I imagine with the rise in popularity of bike rebuilding/refurbishing/modding over the last 5 years, demand for the cheap eBay replacements has gone up. Demand doesn’t necessarily correlate with higher quality, but it is wishful thinking on my part.

Re: The 2 the Max Project
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 2:45 pm
by hodakamax
Brad, you need to measure shock length, not distance from frame to swing arm holes. Fourteen inches would be the maximum down travel of the swing arm and about nine inches minimum travel without the shock installed. Shock length should be somewhere in the middle like near twelve inches.
Re: The 2 the Max Project
Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2018 3:38 pm
by brad100
Learning here! But that makes sense to me. I am nearly positive that they are both stuck in their maximum down travel position at 14”, thus leading to my stiff ride and confusion on how shocks should be measured. There is no dampening to speak of no matter how hard I compress that backside- and my whopping 155lbs of body weight does not budge those springs. If this is the case, 12” RFY shocks should be good replacement to get me at stock height? Go a little lower if I want to sit a little lower?
Re: The 2 the Max Project
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 12:36 pm
by hodakamax
Brad, I don't have any stock bikes to measure to check on stock length for your model. Stock length is usually optimum. Cut you a 12'' brace and mount it to check to see how it sets and clearances. Meanwhile maybe someone will come up with some stock measurements. If not I probably have some old shocks in the cold, dark Hodaka shed I could measure maybe tomorrow.
Re: The 2 the Max Project
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 6:04 pm
by viclioce
I have them on 3 bikes so far. My nephew with the “Red Toad” called me and said one of the shocks came apart on him while out riding! I told him “they only cost $80. Go buy a new pair! He swares he didn’t abuse it, that it just came undone while riding. He dropped parts & didn’t recover the pieces.
Since I spent over $1000 building him a free bike, I told him the bike was his now and the shocks only had a 90 day warrantee. His dad can help him out with the cost of another set. I have to make him responsible for it at some point. It was a gift. Not a bike with a bottomless credit card.
Other than that, no problems on the Ace 100. The Green Toad is awaiting a bird from Hodaka Dave and new top end parts from Terry.

Re: The 2 the Max Project
Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 8:13 pm
by brad100
Thanks for chiming in Victor! And yikes, sorry to hear that about your nephew’s experience with the Toad. Sounds like he was okay, but an exploding shock could ruin your weekend for sure.
I am close to pulling the trigger on a set of 340mm RFY’s on Amazon right now for $56 shipped. I have a 100B that I would be slapping (with love) these on, and ride on smoothish asphalt around town.
I was able to track down an old thread of yours where you may have purchased the NOS km340mm shocks, so I am figuring that stock shock height for the B is 13.5? Any issues you see with going a half inch, inch lower?
Re: The 2 the Max Project
Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2018 6:21 pm
by viclioce
The only issue would be the weight of the rider possibly causing the shock to make the fender bottom out on the tire. But I’ve only experienced that with original, wornnout shocks!

Re: The 2 the Max Project
Posted: Mon Dec 17, 2018 1:29 pm
by brad100
Thanks Victor! I ordered the 340mm RFY’s a few days ago for a little under $60- should be here the day after Christmas but we’ll see. Appreciate your feedback and advice.
Re: The 2 the Max Project
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:58 am
by viclioce
Here’s my B+ with a set of red ones on it! I think these were a set of 340mm as well!

Re: The 2 the Max Project
Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2018 1:43 pm
by brad100
Those look sharp Vic! I went with the black and silver. From photos I’ve seen online of them mounted, the nitrogen canister is generally in the back. Did you have trouble fitting it around the snug exhaust the “standard” way? I didn’t think of that!

Re: The 2 the Max Project
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 10:52 am
by viclioce
Exactly the reason! The pipe was too thick to mount it turned the other way. Just a matter of practicality!
I mounted them the std way on the Toads!

Re: The 2 the Max Project
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 11:45 am
by givergas
reading maxies post thought i would post this
Re: The 2 the Max Project
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 1:57 pm
by hodakamax
Hey thanks Albert! I've also used the Road Race bulletin a few times!