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Re: Main Jet setting at 4000 ft Please Help

Posted: Sun Jul 13, 2014 12:48 pm
by Dale
Yes, we have hijacked this thread... and if your explanation of capacitance vs resistance is for my benefit, it is really not necessary. I am out...

Re: Main Jet setting at 4000 ft Please Help

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2014 12:58 am
by RichardMott

You mounted a brand X on your CW at Mid-Ohio a few years ago. I found one at the swap meet so it could be ridden in the MX.

Re: Main Jet setting at 4000 ft Please Help

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 11:45 am
by MTRob
Bullfrog your right. I have one of the older looking soldering gun that looks like a screw dryier. I'll use that. Should have my new condenser tomorrow.
Let you know how things go. Thanks everyone for your advice. Just keep on learning.
Mt rob

Re: Main Jet setting at 4000 ft Please Help

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2014 5:13 pm
by Bullfrog
Wait a second . . . the old fashioned soldering iron I referred to was commonly heated with a torch or in the coals of a fire. The hot business end would be about 1/2" diameter. If you are talking about the same sort of massive soldering iron . . . go for it. If you are talking about a soldering iron that looks like your grade school wood burning set, success is going to be difficult to achieve.


Re: Main Jet setting at 4000 ft Please Help

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 6:29 am
by RichardMott
I think this one would handle the mass of solder on a Hodaka capacitor. ... s/8200.htm

I have the 75 watt unit. Just barely does the job. :roll:

Re: Main Jet setting at 4000 ft Please Help

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 9:01 am
by MTRob
ED Thats what it looks like, like grade school wood burner. Won't use that. I have an old Weller iron that puts out 100/140 watts. This one should work well. It was my fathers, he used it when he built model airplanes back in the day. Olde but golde. I will test it using your advice. Got my condenser today from Bill. Cross your fingers on this fixing my ignition problem. Side note, Bill from Hodaka Parts is one great guy.
Thanks Guys

Re: Main Jet setting at 4000 ft Please Help

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:34 am
by Bullfrog

There you go. The weller gun with the 100/140 watt heat is probably the best "modern" way to go. Even so, go for the full trigger pull (140watts), get 'er good and hot, well tinned . . . and be ready to cool the joint ASAP after the solder joint flows.


Re: Main Jet setting at 4000 ft Please Help

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 11:48 am
by MTRob
One more question for you. I have another 125 94A engine I need to send to get it overhauled. I already redid the cylinder 30 over new piston, rings and redid the clutch and stator. So I only need to send in the main body without the cylinder and clutch and stator. Who would you recommend that could redo the gears,seals and all the rest inside the engine?
Guys and Girls

Re: Main Jet setting at 4000 ft Please Help

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:41 am
by MTRob
Just reset the points with the new condenser and points, kicked it oeer and have great spark. Looks good so far. Put it back together and see what happens. Will let you know . Thanks alot for all your help, helped alot.

Re: Main Jet setting at 4000 ft Please Help

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 11:20 am
by Pep
Hi MTRob
I know your engine rebuild question was directed to Ed, but I'm going to butt in anyway...
There are a lot of great builders - you might have one living relatively close - you also might consider posting this question in a new thread - sometimes folks quit following a thread down the rabbit hole (like I did on this one). A new topic/thread will turn more fresh heads and generate more answers.
That said, you sound pretty handy - the bottom end rebuild is not tough, and I bet totally within your capabilities (but perhaps not a fit for your available time)
Anyway, great job getting the bike sorted, and thanks for generating some in-depth electrical chatter.

Re: Main Jet setting at 4000 ft Please Help

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2014 12:33 pm
by MTRob
Thanks Laurie. I'am from Montana and Rob Little is from Spokane Wash only about 300 miles away. I think I'll contact him. I could do it myself but no time and don't want to. I bought 3 Wombats 2 94's and 1 94A plus a 93B super rat from a guy in Bozeman Mt for 1000.00 dollars. Great buy, Most everything is still there on all bikes. I have restored the 94A and that's the one that's giving me problems,(Ignition) But I think with all the help I have gotten from everybody has really helped allot. With help from Arizona Shorty. You and Ed, Pep,Richard, Taber thanks alot all of you. Will let you know tomorrow on if it all came together and the bike runs like a charm.

Re: Main Jet setting at 4000 ft Please Help

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 8:28 am
by Larry S
It's not Rob Little,it's Ron Liddle, but I knew what you meant.

Larry S

Re: Main Jet setting at 4000 ft Please Help

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 9:29 am
by MTRob
Got it, So far runs great, starts 2nd kick, got the carb set right. and have been riding it without any problems so far. So far Happy camper.
I'll start on that 93B Super Rat. Thanks to everyone and your great advice