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Re: 2021 road or trail rides

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2021 6:28 am
by MTrat
Recent outing on the 03 I bought from Bob W a while back. I suspect it has seen more Bad Rock rides under more riders than about any bike around.

Re: 2021 road or trail rides

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 3:50 am
by Dale
MTrat wrote: Tue Jun 15, 2021 6:28 am Recent outing on the 03 I bought from Bob W a while back. I suspect it has seen more Bad Rock rides under more riders than about any bike around.
Bruce, Please tell us about your bike. Is it a stock 03 Wombat except for the plastics?

Re: 2021 road or trail rides

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 5:52 am
by MTrat
Dale, I bought it from Bob Whitman and have ridden it in 3 Bad Rocks, but I know several others rode it in earlier ones. Hearing from other former riders would be interesting. I have replaced the PP headlight, air cleaner, rings, reeds and relocated the condenser. It runs and rides great except it seems to have a bit of a weak spark.
Bob said George Cone did the engine work but it seems quite stock except for the left bearing lube fix for using premix. The big 'desert' Clarke tank is a bit large for my needs. A great trail bike!

Re: 2021 road or trail rides

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2021 10:20 am
by Dale
Bruce, I remember when you bought the bike, but can't believe that was 3 Bad Rocks ago! I didn't know if it was highly modified or what. I'll bet it is superb on the trails. Keep that big tank, just carry a syphon hose for those that run out of fuel out there! :lol:

Re: 2021 road or trail rides

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 8:12 am
by MTrat
Yesterday was Honor Bad Rock Day for me. I took a 30+ mile solo trail ride. Saw some great country, a few elk, and not another rider. Sheltered up under a big tree through a shower, then rode home a bit wet but well pleased with the day.

Re: 2021 road or trail rides

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 11:16 am
by Bullfrog
In honor of Hodaka Days, my two main scooters - the "war horse" hybrid with "cast off" R&D Department prototype frame, Wombat 94 bottom end, Combat Wombat top end and Wombat 03 forks, and Miss Judy's toaster tank Dirt Squirt ACTUALLY got moved from their parking spots as assigned on Tuesday following Hodaka Days 2019. The big move happened on Thursday in honor of the traditional Bad Rock Trail marking ride.
The tires had those funny flat spots on the bottom side - which reminded me of one of my Dad's "dad jokes". "Hey, those tires will be easy to fix, they're only flat on one side!" Ennneywayeeeee, both bikes got loaded in the van to be transported . . .
. . . only this time, they were getting moved to their new "digs" - the classic "shed" at our new home. You see, we are in the process of "down-sizing" and getting into a home with all rooms on ONE level.
Annnnd, here they are waiting patiently for just a teensy bit of attention prior to the planned ride around the two acre "pasture" on the new property. Note the "forever" paint on the OSB siding (Oriented Strand Board). Forever paint as in, "How long has that paint been on there?" Bingo. Forever!

On Friday, "The Test" would come. Will either bike start after sitting for two years? With two year old fuel no less? I have to admit, I took the easy way out. I focused on the stalwart Dirt Squirt. A peek into the gas tank with a good flash light revealed decent looking fuel which still smelled like gasoline. Loosen the main jet banjo bolt and drain a bit of fuel - then tighten it back up and let the float bowl fill. Riding boots? On. (Well actually, they were slip on "muck boots/"wellies") Helmet? On. ONE slow crank thru on the kick starter to "prime" things . . . and then a firm kick through on the kick starter.

The little sweet-heart fired right up . . . idled like a champ . . . and took me for a loop around the house and then around the pasture! It wasn't all THAT satisfying as a substitute for the Bad Rock Trail Ride . . . but it is what I could do . . . (and it was purty dang good. :-) !!!)
PS: The war horse has always been persnickety on REALLY hot days. I got signs of life for about 3 spark cycles on the second kick . . . and then it loaded up. My thermometer is showing 97 degrees right now. Maybe I'll give it another try tonite about 10 or 11 PM. Heck, if it starts . . . it's got a headlight . . . and there is a full moon . . . maybe I'll take a run around the pasture!
PPS: Keep the rubber side down!

Re: 2021 road or trail rides

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 4:08 pm
by matt glascock
Congratulations on the new digs, Captain. "Pasture", huh? Smart. When do you rent the skid steer and start building up the table-tops?

Re: 2021 road or trail rides

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 5:54 pm
by Bullfrog
Fully half of the ownership consortium on the new property is pretty determined that baseboard and door trim must be complete (and towel racks in the bath rooms, etc, etc) BEFORE any playing in the dirt with scooters. ANNNND, there IS the issue of getting all of the ore from Hodaka parts mine at the old place dug out and dumped, er, um, stored in the "new" shed. :mrgreen:

Re: 2021 road or trail rides

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 6:20 pm
by matt glascock
So Monday?

Re: 2021 road or trail rides

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 7:10 pm
by Bullfrog
Yeah, Monday sounds good. I'm just having trouble figgerin' out whether I need to be targeting a future month or a future year for the aforementioned Monday!

Re: 2021 road or trail rides

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 2:15 am
by matt glascock