Today I bought my first two Hodakas. Going to pick them up next Sunday (BIG drive). I've done a little reading and research on these bikes I bought... One appears to be a 1973 Combat Wombat (95). The second bike is an Ace 100 (92). My uncles used to race motocross and raced a lot of different Hodakas when they were young. They have been pretty awesome to me and helpful trying to help me get better at racing myself over the years so this is my little way to sort of thank them for everything they've done for me. I've been secretly searching for pictures of their old bikes to try to find out what bikes they had and my goal is to restore one...not to original, but to the way theirs was when they raced it. Same modifications, same numbers, same decals, all that. So, I somehow managed to kill 2 birds with 1 stone and bought both of these bikes from the same owner as a pair. I don't really NEED two, but what can I say...the fact there was two made the deal a bit more inciting.

The owner of the bikes got these from his brother in law who was the original owner. He passed away last year. I made a promise to the seller that I would restore them and not flip them in a week, or part them out. I think it means a lot to him since he couldn't fix them up like his brother in law was trying to do. My local motocross track has a vintage class and I plan to race it with my uncle's old numbers and all that, so I am going to send the seller and his family pictures of them assembled, restored, and being ridden.
I'm new to Hodaka's but I've been riding dirt bikes for 12 years and racing quite a while as well. (I'm 10 days) I've done a few other projects as well so I'm pretty good with working on bikes and have at least a basic understanding of everything and how to fix it. The stuff I don't know I am willing to learn. I've already restored a 1972 CT70 and a 1969 Z50 (still in the process). I am not too familiar with these cool bikes so I may need your knowledge and advice! I have a feeling these will only be the first of many Hodaka's in my garage. Such awesome bikes with some style!!
Below are some pictures....Also comes with that set of Alloy rims, Someone offered 400 for the rims alone and I don't even have it in my possesion yet. What's the big deal with them?? And If anyone can tell me something additional about these bikes or provide some knowledge about them, feel free to share pictures of yours, or anything, it'd be much appreciated!