Ace 100 Shifter Control Shaft Springs

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Ace 100 Shifter Control Shaft Springs

Post by SMM »

I am getting ready to change out the Shifter Control Shaft springs. I thought I remembered a post by someone where the clip on the end of the shaft was replaced. The shaft was threaded 8mm and an 8mm lock nut was used (can’t find the post now)? Seeing how the tool for inserting the clip are “rare as hen’s teeth”, I thought I would try the nut method. Anyone remember that post and tell me where I can find it. Thanks Steve
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Re: Ace 100 Shifter Control Shaft Springs

Post by matt glascock »

Oof! That's not a corner I'd cut. The operation is very nicely described in both of the official Hodaka Workshop Manuals and many tips and proper techniques are described in exquisite detail on this Forum. Many people have, and will (myself included) loan the exact tool for the job to anyone on this forum. See, bums are not allowed. It is a great shifting mechanism - especially with the upgraded springs. No need to go messin'.
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Re: Ace 100 Shifter Control Shaft Springs

Post by SMM »

I didn’t think asking a question would classify me as a bum. I agree it is a great system and I would not normally look for another way…..the tool was the obstacle. Sorry for bothering.
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Re: Ace 100 Shifter Control Shaft Springs

Post by Dale »

I don't believe anyone is calling anyone a bum here. There is an offer on the table to loan you the proper tool in addition to a strong opinion against doing this modification. I wouldn't consider this modification for myself either however it was described on the Facebook Hodaka Fan Group page by none other than Lee Fabry. So... it must work. Here is a link to that post on Facebook. ... 405390193/
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Re: Ace 100 Shifter Control Shaft Springs

Post by SMM »

Dale, I can understand and handle a strong opinion and appreciate an offer of a loan of the proper tool. I’m just not getting the Bum comment. Thank You for your kind response. I thought I remembered it as a post from Lee, but wasn’t sure. I to was thinking if it was a fix from Mr. Farby it must work…. And work well! So, that was why I was considering it. Still haven’t decided which way to go. I always lean towards putting things back together with the correct parts and methods. Like I mentioned the proper tool was the catch. Thanks Steve
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Re: Ace 100 Shifter Control Shaft Springs

Post by Bullfrog »

There is a sort of counter-intuitive situation here. If you shift properly (snicking your shifts) you will seldom have control shaft spring problems. (I replace mine every 10 years or as needed - which ever comes first. :geek: ) Annnnd IF you are in that situation (a snick shifter) - making the modification probably won't change your control shaft spring life in any significant way. However, if you frequently experience problems with control shaft spring failures, some comments are in order (some, or all, may apply): 1) shift mechanism wear or adjustment may be causing the springs to fail, 2) Shifting technique may be causing the springs to fail (Do NOT stomp and hold. No. DO "snick" the shift. Yes.) 3) IF you experience spring failure frequently (likely due to 1 or 2) you probably really like the idea of simplifying the "fiddliness" of the snap ring removal/replacement. HOWEVER, 4) if you go to the nut modification, you will be pre-loading the springs slightly more than "as designed" - which will contribute to even more frequent spring failures. (Especially if 1 or 2 are factors.) NOTE: "Snick-shifters" don't stress the springs as much, or for as long as, "stomp and hold" shifters do, so the increased pre-load (and necessarily reduced spring compression "travel") will likely not mess things up for snick-shifters.

I would recommend borrowing the tool rather than modifying your control shaft. I have the tool and could loan mine too.

NOTE: Matt has always been a gentleman and a scholar. I'm wondering if the "bum" thing might have been a typo, an un-noticed auto-correct or an attempt at humor (which missed the mark -- been there, done that :| ). It would certainly be out of character for Matt to intentionally be harsh.
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Re: Ace 100 Shifter Control Shaft Springs

Post by Dale »

I read the comment that there are no Bums on our forum and we can therefore loan our tools to anyone on here. Matt?
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Re: Ace 100 Shifter Control Shaft Springs

Post by SMM »

My apologies sounds like I have miss understood the comment. I just got this Ace 100 up and running. I rebuild the motor. I did not do the shifter springs. I don’t know what I was thinking at the time…..wasn’t. It appears to be shifting fine. Ordered some from Terry to replace them mainly because I don’t know how old they are. I think I may hold off and ride it a little more. It does shift smoothly. Shifting other motorcycle’s that I have (Honda’s) I can feel sort of a “click”. When shifting the Ace I don’t really feel any thing tell I let the clutch out and then it’s like wow it did grab the next gear. Thank You guys for offering to lend the tool I may take you up on the offer. Is anyone here in the Salt Lake City, Utah area? Thanks Steve
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Re: Ace 100 Shifter Control Shaft Springs

Post by matt glascock »

Correct Dale. I didn't think my intention was that mysterious, but I'll be more careful next time.
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Re: Ace 100 Shifter Control Shaft Springs

Post by matt glascock »

PS- Lee Fabray could probably rebuild a Hodaka shift mechanism for perfect function with a Tinker Toy set (and not the deluxe one either) and some wheat paste. I'll stick with the tried and true. And, again, sorry about any misunderstanding (and thank you for the kind support fellas).
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Re: Ace 100 Shifter Control Shaft Springs

Post by socalhodaka »

Lee is the one that uses a nut on the shaft. 10/32 thread.
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