I spoke with Danny Cooke this weekend. He made the last batch of the special C ring tool for the c ring (or c clip) on the main shaft which Paul sold last.
Danny says he will make them again if there is a minimum of 10 orders confirmed & the price would be $45 each, plus shipping.
I don’t know about you guys, but I missed out on one of these the last time he made them for Paul because they sold so very quickly! So if you’re interested in getting one of these, (like me!) then post here and make it possible for us to get them! Victor
Victor don,t forget there are two diff models, late and early, the buyers need to indicate which one they need and or both at some sort of special. Just an idea, and I must ask if you are going to talk to Terry, and see if he has any stock,s of these and if not maybe he may want to expand the buy in. Bruce
Good call Bruce,I forgot there were two different tools. I would definitely buy one for the early models. I tried calling Terry but did not get through. I would guess they are pretty busy with all they,ve got going on right now so I will try again later. I,m going to try and make one,but I have seen Danny’s work and I know his tool will work. It,s about a 50/50 chance (or less) that mine will !
These tools were very much needed and thank you to Danny Cooke we were able to reproduce them with a limited production run. If memory serves me we supplied the special Hodaka case hardened pins to Danny to complete the tools.Danny was and is a very honorable honest intelligent hardworking friend. During one of the trips Terry made to Sandgate Vermont we spoke of these tools and how they were able to become part of our inventory. I told Terry that when he had time to reach out to Danny please mention my name and that I suggested they keep this going. I speak with Terry frequently and understand how hard it is to get caught up and move forward with my previous vendors. Still lots to do but all it takes is time and money but with a huge dose of passion. Danny I hope that Terry can find the time to call you and hopefully these can again be on the Strictly Hodaka /Hodaka-Parts Missouri inventory.
Terry has a huge investment now into Hodaka be it time,energy ,passion etc.. and I only wish that people will continue to respect this and support him. For Bev and Terry this is a longggg term commitment and they truly deserve the best and help to provide the parts Hodaka people need.
I talked to Terry about it yesterday to give him a heads up on this discussion and to see if he still had any. He said he would get in contact with Danny. I,m going to leave it to them on how,where and when they can be purchased if we get enough orders.
I will say that he is a super nice guy and took time out to talk and bench race a little even though I,m sure he has a pretty full plate right now.
Can someone post a pic of one or description?
And I have to say that the Hodaka people I've met here, on Facebook, and in person are what makes this the most enjoyable time I've ever had fooling around with dirt bikes.
gearyoliver wrote:Can someone post a pic of one or description?
And I have to say that the Hodaka people I've met here, on Facebook, and in person are what makes this the most enjoyable time I've ever had fooling around with dirt bikes.
Victor thanks for priming the pump, we need to do it through Terry as he provides service to all, like Paul did for so many years. ---------------Clarence
Thanks for the pics! I purchased one that looks similar from SH for the control shaft. Mine is for the 125. So if there is another size count me in for one if there is a group buy.
You would use the "early" style of control shaft snap ring tool on all models from the Ace 90 to the Model 98 Super Rat. Then the control shaft design changed with the Road Toad and all small bore models which followed. Displacement of an engine is not an indication of which tool to use - production order over time is the important metric.
Bullfrog wrote:You would use the "early" style of control shaft snap ring tool on all models from the Ace 90 to the Model 98 Super Rat. Then the control shaft design changed with the Road Toad and all small bore models which followed. Displacement of an engine is not an indication of which tool to use - production order over time is the important metric.
If in doubt, check the parts schematic for your model for the "Control shaft snap ring". If it uses part number 904620 then it would require the early model tool. If it is part number 984620 then the later model tool is needed. Note that the model 98 Super uses the later and the model 97 Super Combat uses the earlier...
At first the "main shaft" had me confused.
I purchased the early one from Paul to work on my model 97. I've got all the parts ordered for the 03 and I'm glad to know now that I need a different tool. Instead of after much frustration. I couldn't find them on H-P so I'll have to see they are available. If not I'm in for a group buy of the new ones. In the meantime does anyone that has one need a refreshment subsidy?
Bullfrog wrote:DOH! That's right! The control shaft re-design happened at the Model 98 Super Rat - not the Model 99 Road Toad! Sorry for the error.
It is not very often that we get an opportunity to correct you!
Some of the very late models still used the earlier style control shaft and then there is always the possibility that parts have been swapped out by a previous owner. There are often surprises to be had.
I had an offer to loan me the tool or put the ring on for me, Thank You!
I took two hours but I was able to get it done using a small punch and a piece of vinyl tubing.
The third picture in SoCals depiction of the tool shows the ring expansion shaft in backward. The large end of the tapered shaft would be faced outward for use...
Any progress on if these will be made or not? I found a guy who has an NOS one,what would be a good price for that one? He also has a supply of spare tips if someone needs any.