Ace 100 Airboot

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Ace 100 Airboot

Post by admin »

The start to that thread was great. It showed a great photo of a "Fuji" airboot not a Hodaka .This clearly showed the difference's between the two.
The thread lead into some statements that may have been misinterpreted. I received an email late last night from a friend who is managing another Hodaka internet based parts company. My friend had been contacted yesterday by someone via the phone who thought my friends company was going out of business.
My friend set the record straight to the customer and I will be clear here. No one in the Hodaka parts business is going away!
All of us involved with the Hodaka parts business or the guys in the service business have all had times in our personal or professional lives whereas we cannot do it all. We all need to step down a little bit to take care of something that has come up in our lives that needs more attention than Hodaka does. 9 times out of 10 it has to do with issues within a family. For all of us involved in offering parts or service what is important is to keep the Hodaka thing we all do "FUN". No body does this for a living it is all a passion that drives all of the guys and their wives to serve the Hodaka brand. When it stops being fun then it is just a job. Please remember that these are between 40 and 50 year old bikes so enjoy the ride when playing with your Hodaka.
I removed the original thread after discussing it with my friend.
I am sorry that I let it get to this point.
taber hodaka
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Re: Ace 100 Airboot

Post by taber hodaka »

I feel I want to say something and still be positive. It is one thing to buy a hodaka today and enjoy it tomorrow. Paul we us old duffers can remember years of memories from the distant past memories from 1964 through the 70's. The days when the only small motorcycle fit for the hills was a red hodaka. The days when many cross country races were won by a ace 90 or ace 100 first overall. We remember when parts were not available because they were stuck away in boxes setting in a warehouse somewhere. You and others changed all of that, we must look at the thousands of hours of pure enjoyment we have all had reworking our old red scooters, the friendships and respect that is there among our group. And the greatest memories of those who left us to ride in a better place. Off to Arizona soon I'm gonna stop and see some sun in Golden Valley. Thanks for letting me ramble.
Clarence -------- priorities (God, Family, Friends and Hodaka Friends)
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Re: Ace 100 Airboot

Post by hodakamax »

My report is all positive. I had been out of the Hodaka scene for decades when I found a barn find 94A about two years ago. Little did I realize that they had returned to the "alive and well" status. I'm reliving a fun time in my past and meeting new fun people. I'm into my second major project and having a good time. Parts are available thanks to people like Paul who I support. (Big order building in the cart Paul!) The social aspect is now like it was then, a fun bunch of people riding the same brand. Now we have the internet to communicate to like minded people around the world. It's fun not only to build a project but to share progress on my project and to get reports from others reflecting their enthusiasm of their projects. The technical aspect is also a great service having forgotten several things in those four decades! I was fortunate to start at the beginning of the great adventure as a Hodaka dealer and all out racer of the time. For those that weren't born in until recently I do feel obligated to share adventures of those times. All positive! Anyway, that's my take on all of this. :)


PS--Clarence and I do ramble a bit.
Bruce Young
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Re: Ace 100 Airboot

Post by Bruce Young »

Ditto!!! to Clarence's, and Max,s statements, I understand, things are not like they where back when, but that acknowledgement came with age, life is not easy and fair, Relax!!!, everyone, Hodaka,s are fun and lets keep it that way. I personally throw my support behind all of those whom have worked hard to Keep our vintage motorcycle sport alive, Especially Paul and Bill, whom put it all out there so we can enjoy our Hodaka,s . Bruce Young IDAHO
Bruce Young - HodakaPartsIdaho
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