Fred Guidi for AHRMA trustee

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Fred Guidi for AHRMA trustee

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I have not been on my own forum for some time now. Things have been very good here and no need for my posts. Although today is a little different.
I received a call from my great friend Fred Guidi today. You see Fred is running for AHRMA trustee and has asked for our support.Fred is one of the very few people I know who is in a position of authority and keeps his word. Not taking anything away from anyone else but if I need Fred's help or advise for a Hodaka matter or a Preston Petty matter he is always there. The AHRMA rules changes that have been done in recent years that are directed towards the 100cc Class and some others..... That was us asking Freddie for help and help he did. Nice to have a friend like Fred you can always count on.
Ed and I had hoped to use Fred for shark bait this past June while we were diving on the Great Barrier Reef. I know that Fred would have been more than happy to do so if it meant we had a better dive. Honestly I ask if you are an AHRMA member and on the East coast please consider your vote to Fred as a vote for all that is right and a vote for Hodaka. If we need anything and I call he always answers......
Thank you for your support to one of the good guys in the sport.
ps. I would have posted a photo of his face but he always seems to be behind me on the track :-)

Fred Guidi
Grafton, WV
Hello, I am Fred Guidi, incumbent
candidate for Eastern Region Trustee,
a position which I have held for
the past six years. I have been an
AHRMA member for 17 years, and
an avid off-road competitor since the
late 1960s. I have served as the North
Atlantic Regional Coordinator for
10 years, and am in my seventh year
as National Off-Road Director, a job
that I accepted without compensation.
I have over 25 years of experience promoting off-road events,
and have a working knowledge of managing race day activities. I
am 55 years old, have a BA and MBA in business management,
and a Ph.D. in Theology. I am married to my magnificent wife
Hollie, and together we have two daughters, Lauren and Alyssa;
all three are AHRMA volunteers.
Over the years I have developed a hands-on understanding of what
is working in our organization, what is broken, and the joys and
frustrations that touch our members. Make no mistake, we belong
to the most influential and respected vintage racing organization
in the world! I have worked with the Executive Director and fellow
Board members to reduce AHRMA’s debt load and make us profitable
again. I work tirelessly in bringing new events to our program.
If re-elected I will continue to create events that are exciting
and safe for our membership. I will continue to work with the ED
to see that we are operating as efficiently as possible, while meeting
the financial needs of our partners. In addition, I recognize the decline
in participation of all motorsport activities across the globe,
and will work toward drawing new members into our program. I
will do this by:
1) Working to re-develop the regional programs. I will draw on
my years of experience managing the NA Region, and, as ORD,
work with experienced regional managers to assist new regions until
they can stand on their own. As a Trustee I will be able to take
issues that hinder that success back to the Board for consideration.
2) I will continue to seek the advice of members and promoters,
rather than dictate to them, to create conditions that allow for
the best possible events. The principles for developing a product
in which participants feel they have received value is the same for
roadracing as it is for MX, trials and cross country. I have worked
tirelessly to provide the best possible program, and as Trustee I
can take this knowledge to the Board for review. In my position
as ORD I make the perfect conduit for the membership as well as
provide a grassroots perspective on what is happening at the actual
events. I have some core beliefs; I believe that vintage racing is set,
and the tracks that these bikes compete on should be “vintage”
friendly. I believe post vintage is a changing segment and that
PV tracks should be different from vintage tracks. I believe that
Vintage Views should be more than just a newsletter. I believe that
roadracing is on the right track, and I supported the addition of
eBikes, along with the move to change the date for Daytona. Furthermore,
I believe that more people can be drawn into our form
of competition by allowing the bikes that people want to race into
our program.
3) This needs to be fun. We need to eliminate the friction that
sometimes occurs between us as members, and those we elect. As
Trustee I believe in open communication and honesty. I am not
a politician, I am an event coordinator, and I invite anyone with
questions about my experience or sincerity to contact the North
Atlantic region staff, promoters, or fellow racers that I have worked
with, to see if I have not done all that I can to offer the best program
I know that there is much left to discuss and I invite you to contact
me directly with concerns and comments. I want to say that,
although I am not aware of all of those who are seeking this seat,
I know that several are worthy of your consideration. All are good
people and friends, who are putting themselves out there to better
our organization, and I thank each one. In the end I urge you to
vote, and to vote for the person that you believe will best represent
you in moving AHRMA forward. I thank you in advance for your
consideration. I can be reached at 724.462.1854 or by email: [email protected].
Fred behind again
Fred behind again
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