99 Road Toad Head Light?

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99 Road Toad Head Light?

Post by drbridge »

I am trying to get the headlight on my model 99 Road Toad to work off the battery with the emergency switch in DC position and I can't seem to make it happen. After staring at the wring schematics (that i can barely see) for half the day I am beginning to think that I am trying to make it do something that it was not designed to do. My 94 wombat and 92B+ will work like that, but when I compare the schematics I don't know if the 99 is supposed to. Can anyone with a 99 tell me does your headlight work on DC when not running?
I know that the headlight is good and I know that the dimmer switch is good after I refurbished it. I can make the headlight and dimmer work by jumping the dimmer directly to power and bypassing the emergency switch, so I know that is all good. I don't have the bike running yet so I can't test the headlight while running.

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