old man going north

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Re: old man going north

Post by hodakamax »

taber hodaka wrote:Where can I get a economy spiralizer? Don't say it! If Thunderbird or dandelion wine would work, we could really make this affordable without watering it down too much. We are looking for a catered meal also. ----------------Clarence
Gourmet zucchini spiralizer, available at Wally World or Amazon, about $10 the wife sez. Pinot Grigio about $5 at the discount liquor store, way cheaper than dandelion wine when you consider the labor involved. 8-)

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Re: old man going north

Post by hodakamax »

As you probably have heard, I did find a Hodaka project and the raccoon thing did slow down. Order has returned to the woods. With no project I did keep this post off of page two for quite a while. The Old man has lost interest in the hi-road house painting project as I've got some other more fun projects and haven't been helping. Being paid in zucchini also might have something to do with it.

Hey Clarence, any projects up there for the Old Man? He may be heading North yet again. Try to keep him off page two while I work on the new Hodaka project. You did start it and it's your turn. 8-)

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Re: old man going north

Post by hodakamax »

Whoa! More to the zucchini report! Grilled Chicken breast in red marinara sauce over special spiralized noodles (zucchinis in disguise) served with Apothic Crush smooth red wine blend. I started to photograph the feast but nah, eating and drinking time had arrived, it's gone. Maybe next time for photos. Culinary report on the Zucchini food group with no pictures. It was color-full. There may be hope for this surplus crop yet!

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Re: old man going north

Post by hodakamax »

Hmm, the more I look at this the more I think this might be the Old Man wearing that disguise. He used to go zucchini hunting before they got so plentiful. Why hunt them when they just arrive at your doorstep during the night and they're better without shot in them? Just a thought.

Hunting zuchinni.
Hunting zuchinni.
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Re: old man going north

Post by hodakamax »

We did have dogs at the Old Man's house the other night, Fair.

OK, I'll quit. I've eaten all the annual zucchini I can eat for the year. :?
Fresh shot .
Fresh shot .
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Re: old man going north

Post by hodakamax »

Hey, the raccoons are definitely more fun to discuss than Zucchini. Two days ago I saw a really small raccoon sleeping by the pond that I'd seen a few times in the last week all by himself. Raccoons and Max aren't really close friends but everyone does need a chance at getting started in life. Everyone deserves a chance even if you're a raccoon or human for that matter. He looked a bit distressed and in need of help. It appears that he had somehow been separated from his family. Gloves on, stealth moves. A quick grab and the guy is captured.

Now what you say? Ah, my daughter is a state registered wildlife rehabilitator and I'm off the see my girl. Luckily she has another one in the system that needs company. Just another raccoon story, everyone seemed to like the last one or two. 8-) The Old Man does seem to like the raccoon people.

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Re: old man going north

Post by hodakamax »

Yay! It's the day of The Great Eclipse! Eweleen, Max and the Old Man are up at five and really are heading North with picnic lunch and funny glasses. Monumental traffic jams are also predicted so we're getting an early start on the thee hour drive to Northern Missouri. This his been on my bucket list since grade school and hopefully I can cross it off. The Old Man claims he's already seen one back in the 1800s and doesn't seem too excited. There's always one stick in the mud. 8-)

Going North

Max, Eweleen and the Old Man
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Re: old man going north

Post by hodakamax »

Whoa! Just returned from a top 10 life adventure! Don't miss the next one! Imagine. One hour to go and it's raining. About T minus 20 minutes the sky clears and The Great Eclipse is underway. Perfect! What a day! As a grade school kid I put this on my bucket list. Today was the day of a 70 year wait.

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Re: old man going north

Post by taber hodaka »

S4010234 (2).JPG
Max thanks for sending the old man up to help paint. I suppose you will be needing your paint equipment back for your next project. I am done and ready to ship it back, thanks for the loan of it And thanks for sending the old man to help. I learned allot if I can just remember. My dog did bump the balance stick but I did catch the frame (red hands and pants).
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Re: old man going north

Post by hodakamax »

Darn funny again Clarence. Maybe we should re-design the balance stick. That thing's always a problem. The last time I used the apparatus, I was painting away and realized the balance stick was out of reach. I couldn't let go of the frame but I did call my wife with my free hand on the cell phone. She ran downstairs to save me even though she was shaking her head. Guess we could put a line on it to reach the horses. I also think the the balance stick needs more feet. All things to think about. I see you got the block I sent you. Handy huh?

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Re: old man going north

Post by taber hodaka »

Picture of the old man painting the day one project in Kansas. January 29 2016
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Re: old man going north

Post by taber hodaka »

A bit of a hard landing on my butt and rolled back on my back ribs hurt a little, no paint on the shirt. Just a little touch up needed on the frame now. Doing for a old friend that bought it new at Taber Hodaka back in the day. Building the engine paint and new tires. Early super rat-----------Clarence
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Re: old man going north

Post by taber hodaka »

Flat on my back.
S4010236 (2).JPG
max I got a new adjustable wide stance support to replace the 2x2.
S4010305 (2).JPG
Here is the pictures of the items we know you got.
S4010290 (2).JPG
And the ratty exhaust
Loading it all back on the bus.
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Re: old man going north

Post by hodakamax »

Hey Clarence, I hope someone came along to remove that frame stuck to you and help you up. In hindsight all this probably could have been prevented with the clever three-legged device that was sorely needed to make this apparatus safe. Good job on that. I've run out of Semichrome and elbow grease on the wheel but more is on the way and the ratty exhaust is at the Pipe Doctor. Bad case he said. Have you seen my swing arm arrow? Deer season is upon us and I might need it soon. Keep the handy shop block, more if you need any.

Swingarm arrow missing.
Swingarm arrow missing.
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Re: old man going north

Post by hodakamax »

The Old Man is wearing out or at least parts of him. I think the time has come for him to pay the price for a hard life of motorcycle racing. He starting to complain of knee pain probably from a many decades ago jamming of such, stiff legging the ground after an awesome jump, or so he says. No complaints he said, best times of his life. We did look up unobtainium replacement parts on E-bay and went to see a master surgeon for installation. The surgeon had a better package deal as he had parts in stock. The Old Man still wanted to go North but we've talked him into being repaired locally and soon. Monday actually. He'll be down for a few weeks but the prognosis is good. Our little town's Orthopedic Group is rated in the top 3% of the U.S. for success and the surgeon we're using rated in the top 1% in the Nation, all 9 miles (North) from home!

Since the Old Man has been helping on the 2 the Max project I wanted to tell everyone he'll be only working on bench projects rather than crawling around on the floor projects for a couple of weeks and we have some laid out. He said he wanted to recover quickly and that he had to set the 100cc Land Speed Record. Lotsa talk, he does set some crazy goals and we try to humor him. 8-)

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Re: old man going north

Post by JackM »

Good luck with your surgery, Max, and have a speedy recovery!
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Re: old man going north

Post by hodakamax »

JackM wrote:Good luck with your surgery, Max, and have a speedy recovery!
Hmm, that "Speedy" has a nice ring to it. Thanks Jack!
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Re: old man going north

Post by hodakamax »

Well, I thought I'd better give an update on the Old Man while passing by the computer which always seems to be at the opposite end of the house and several stair flights away. Not only that, old motorcycle racers really do have a thing about being spotted in the area sporting the Icon of disability, the really dull aluminum wheeled walker. Definitely bad for the Image. He's been looking everywhere for his Cat 'O Nine Tails to defend himself in re-hab he says. He does look a bit frizzled upon daily return. :shock:

Ok, That's the report, looks like he's going to make it. 8-)

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Re: old man going north

Post by matt glascock »

Great news!!!
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Re: old man going north

Post by Bill2001 »

I'd gotten sidetracked and haven't been following the surgery. Good news on the success of the knee replacement.
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Re: old man going north

Post by Bruce Young »

Max-- good luck with Surgery, please lets see what you can do with modifications on the walker. HA HA
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Re: old man going north

Post by hodakamax »

Hodakaparts.com wrote:Max-- good luck with Surgery, please lets see what you can do with modifications on the walker. HA HA
bruce Young
Hey Bruce, I do have time on my hands and have considered all of the above. The beginning of this story starts with the evolution of the parental/family walker that shows up in all families along the path through life. Let us save it for the next victim we always say. Ah, knee surgery. At least I won't be without a walker as I've had this on file for decades. Let's get this artifact detailed as the next victim is ready. Yellow decals are removed and are replaced with proper Bell Helmet and proper vintage #32 markings and details, then it's placed in the post-surgery room. Dad would have been proud or at least humored me.

My first trip down the recovery hall reveals a flaw in my plan. My equipment is well prepared and has "the look" of the polished BSA Gold Star or even Norton Manx.The problem is that the competitors are motoring ahead in both curves and straights with ease. Back to the pits for some chassis adjustment. It doesn't take long to figure out that the bar height is too low and I've run out of adjustment. This model appears to be made for a small Chinese gentleman or is a child version. I've thrown the old version in the "weird parts for fabrication of weird things" bin so I can save it hopefully for several more decades and finally get some use out of this seemingly valuable piece of equipment. I now find out or probably already knew that insurance covers walkers and I've ordered the latest Chinese C-rocket which should be here momentarily. Hopefully, it will make me at least somewhat competitive again. That's the report for now. 8-)

Ah, I see it's time for Medival Rehab. They seem to be preparing some rack to make me longer with chains and post levers. My weapon of the day is the spiked hammer with leather accessories backed up with my handy Cat 'O Nine Tails which usually keeps them at bay. Ya gotta attack these things with a good attitude to keep on top!

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Re: old man going north

Post by taber hodaka »

Max if you want to stand out in the crowd, put your shorts on over the sweat pants and just smile allot. ------------ Clarence
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Re: old man going north

Post by viclioce »

Glad you’re doing well Max! Sounds like the “Old Man” is staying busy!

I too have an “Old Man” who is going to post knee surgery physical therapy! HS was just a scope, however, no new parts, for now. He tells the PT technician “don’t you have anything for me to do which can challenge me?” LOL! Seems it only hurts a tiny bit, later!

Funny thing though. The knee is all fixed but the damned plantar fascia is inflamed, ON THE SAME DAMNED SIDE, making it harder for this “Old Man” to walk correctly. So he made an appointment with his favorite podiatrist and sees her on Wednesday, just before he goes for his 4 week follow up with the knee surgeon! Wish this Old Man Luck as he says to tell your Old Man best of luck with his recovery! :ugeek: Victor

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Re: old man going north

Post by hodakamax »

Being semi-retired, the Old Man and I meet up with some friends up North a few times a week for breakfast and discussion of world and current events, hopefully laced with reports of recent cultural happenings, sports, opinions and experiences to expand our sphere of life and well being. Sometimes it works but usually not. Death and dying, misery and prescriptions, pain comparisons, injustices, politics and rain gauges must be dealt with first. I've quickly learned not to announce rain gauge totals first. You will end having the lowest amount in the total rain report. It's like fishing, the first guy doesn't have a chance. It goes through the seasons. Hey, I shot an 8-point buck yesterday with a bow that weighed almost 200 pounds! "That's nothing," (always the preface)," I got a 10-pointer, over 200 pounds yesterday!" Facts are avoided such as his weapon was really his pick-up truck and a major deer/auto collision. Almost the truth as we call it.

With the Old Man's impending knee surgery on the horizon it seemed prudent and entertaining to keep the info from our group's most experienced medical advisor and good friend who really does have the most surgeries, prescriptions and implanted parts including three knees which we only have two each of. Hard to keep up. The plan was to see how long we could keep this news secret as we already had a full file of pre-op advice on the best methods, doctors and facilities, all first class and best in their field. The game was a funny diversion to the upcoming event. I do like to write and tell stories and this could turn out to be a wealth of materials for recovery.

Finally the cat was out of the bag but not before the Old Man was repaired and put to bed for the night. Not bad rumor suppression for a small-town. Our breakfast medical expert on hearing the news immediately went to the hospital well equipped with extra walkers, crutches, advice and opinions to explain to the groggy Old Man. He also came with a sincere vow to help in anyway needed and to call for any help needed.

I guess this is what having good friends is all about. Even though I'll never have more rain, catch a bigger fish or have more pain it's always good to know that I have a caring friend. Another lesson learned in the story of the Old Man.

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